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  • #9396

      Greetings, I am new. The Executive Committee where I have lived for years have tried unsuccessfully to get some major works done to the Common Property at the last two General Meetings. They have been unsuccessful because they have tried to ram the projects through without circulating decent, understandable plans and quotes. Now nobody really trusts them and we fear they are going to try again at our Annual General meeting in May. Two of the five appear to be ‘going it alone’ and have been christened The Lone Rangers.

      They are being rather secretive. How much are we entitled to know and how can we get information please? We have a Strata Manager who they are in cahoots with who isn’t much help. And how can we get them to do things properly?

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    • #21136

        The Owners Corporation (i.e. you and the other owners) is entitled to whatever information it regards as necessary to make an informed decision by way of a vote at the AGM.

        You and like-minded Owners need to sign a letter to whoever it is that’s convening the AGM, likely the E/C Secretary or the Strata Manager, and tell them in order for any Motion on proposed major works to be properly considered, that you require “decent, understandable plans and quotes” (and indeed anything else that you deem necessary) to be provided to all Owners together with the Agenda.

        If that’s not provided, then you and others in attendance at the AGM can again vote the proposal down –  but be mindful of the need for like minded Owners to attend the Meeting and of the need to be mindful that Members of your E/C may have gathered sufficient proxies to ram through their project.

        Finally, depending upon the nature of the proposed major works, anything that could be regarded as an alteration, addition, or change to the Common Property needs a vote in favour by ≥75% of those in attendance at the AGM (incl. proxies), with that percentage determined by units of entitlement (a “poll vote”); that’s a Special Resolution as opposed to one determined by a simple majority.


          First, thanks Whale. I have proceeded along the lines you have suggested without eliciting much in the way of action or response except now the Executive Committee members in question are behaving in an intimidating way towards me. I can cope and will carry on but my question, now, is as follows.

          if I am victimized or harassed by these members, do I have any recourse against them as they are elected representatives of the Owners Corporation In positions of power? Or any any recourse against the Strata Manager who should be keeping them in order, a layman such as I might think?





            Costa – thanks for the feedback; always good to receive by all on this Forum!

            I assume that you’re not the only Owner who made the E/C aware of what’s needed to properly consider their proposal, but irrespective, the Members’ reaction indicates that you’ve rattled their cage; which is what was needed.

            Depending upon the level of their victimisation and harassment, I suppose you could resort to legal action or at least a legal letter, but frankly I’d just be biding my time until next month’s AGM when you and like minded Owners can have a say and ensure that it’s properly minuted.

            Between now and then, you must do your utmost to ensure that those Owners who you previously stated don’t trust the E/C grow a spine, and maintain that so they can support the collective position.


              Just to reinforce Whale’s excellent replies, From my experience the more work and communication you put in with like minded Owners before any formal meeting the better the goal of putting the EC in place will be achieved!

              Sir Humphrey

                So, what is the project? I only have experience from the other side of the fence. That is, being on the EC trying to develop some good projects and trying to communicate about them to the owners while having to counter misrepresentation of our proposals by a few owners who object to making any improvements to the site. If the ideas are broadly ‘a good idea’ and your only concern is about process, say, insufficient quotes or project detail, why not talk to the EC members? Indicate that you are not necessarily opposed but would like to understand more about the proposal. 


                  It’s complicated and thanks Peter C (and others). I have also been on the Executive Committee but not for the last few years.

                  I’ll try and be simple. There are greatly needed repairs and refurbishment of common property gardens and a car park area which everyone agrees are long overdue. The project is probably worth 70 to 100 grand.

                  The current committee are proxy gathers. Their ‘clique’ have had three years now to get this done and at the General Meetings have presented an agenda item for the work but not sent round plans or quotes, and unbelievably not even had more than one copy at the meetings. No one is given the chance to properly peruse and consider the plans and quotes. They just expect us all to trust them and what they say. And they are left looking more than a little shady. I  suspect that each time they believe they have enough votes for a blanket go-ahead but fail when they cannot answer questions such as whether or not council may be required or if they have considered drainage issues. No real vote has actually taken place.

                  I hesitate before saying this but they are young and obviously have not bothered to find out anything about their duties and responsibilities as Executive  Committee Members and the Strata Manager offers no guidance, even procedural guidance in meetings.

                  It is impossible to discuss these issues with the committee members. As I said they behave in an intimidating manner. It is bullying in fact. I am interested in whether bullying by executive committee members in strata is institutionalized bullying covered in some government act. It’s that serious I would think.


                    The Secretary is in the habit of leaving bags of rubbish at his door rather than keep it inside or take it straight to the community bins.

                    Over Easter this became a bit too much for my family and I as our visitors saw it and were appalled so I complained to our Strata Manager who wrote to him adding a photo I had supplied of the offending rubbish.

                    His reaction was to screw and rip up the letter and photograph and leave them at my door (he assumes it’s my doing of course). My wife and daughter and I found this as we opened our door this morning causing us great angst.

                    This is an aggressive and intimidating act. What do I do now?

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