Flat Chat Strata Forum Parking Peeves Current Page

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  • #9808

      Does two wrongs make a right !!

      Dreaded on going parking on common property, self managed NSW strata units, The Secretary/Treasure continues to let his daughter park at end on driveway, in my turning circle that I require to access my garge, as per his “Arrangement “. Records show, no strata minute or special reoslution has been granted, also DA consent allows for no parking on driveway. What would happen if I park there, I know it is against the rules, just wondering what the consequences would be. Also are they liable for any damage done to my car by trying to manoeuvre my car into my garage, as they park there 24/7.

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    • #22635

        Help, The strict rule is ‘no parking on common property’.  We have a similar issue at our complex, in practical terms the issue is “who does it cause a nuisance to allowing someone to park there?”

        I would say that the Secretary/Treasurer would ONLY have an factor in his/her favor for the strict rule to be overlooked IF the ONLY person it caused a nuisance to was him/her. Obviously parking there causes you a nuisance so it is NOT acceptable.

        However, ignoring the strict rules can come back to bite you, so my advice would be to try other avenues first.  If you do end up trying it, you need to gather evidence that the Secretary/Treasurer’s daughter did it before you (evidence being correspondence, pictures, videos and/or diary notes).

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