• Creator
  • #8625
    Apartment 101

      Hello!  Wondering if you could clarify the position with visiting pets in strata buildings.  If I have a friend over for lunch or staying overnight, can they visit with their pet?  Permanent resident pets are allowed in my building provided body corporate permission is sought.  Thanks.

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    • Author
    • #17522

        What does it say in your by-laws. Some ban pet visitors completely (while allowing residents’ pets) some merely say that owners are responsible for the behaviour of visitors’ pets. Check your by-laws (not standard by-laws or some other building’s) – they are the only ones that count.

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

          A key word in the various optional alternative NSW Model By-laws is “keep”.  Lawyers (which I am not) can have fun determining when a pet brought temporarily into a unit can be said to have transitioned to being “kept”.  To me, as an amateur, the scenario presented here falls well short of “keeping” an animal on site.


            @Apartment 101 said:
            Hello!  Wondering if you could clarify the position with visiting pets in strata buildings.  If I have a friend over for lunch or staying overnight, can they visit with their pet?  Permanent resident pets are allowed in my building provided body corporate permission is sought.  Thanks.

            Are you talking about several friends with different pets, or one friend? 

            You have asked Flat Chat Forum, so why not just apply to the E.C. or S.M. for permission for the pet/s to stay over?

            If the pet is a goldfish there is no problem, but bigger pets need more care to be taken, especially disposing of their waste products.  Surely you just need to show that has been considered, waste will be disposed of correctly, especially if cat litter is needed.  If the pet is a dog, that it is well behaved, not noisy, and will be on a leash on common property.

            Apartment 101

              Thanks for the advice. I checked my by-laws which states subject to section 49(4) of the Act “an owner or occupier of a Lot must not keep or permit any animal to be on a Lot or on the Common Property.” I guess the word “permit” here means no furry four legged friends… Frown


                Sad it a pet can not just visit while the owner has a meal with you!

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