Flat Chat Strata Forum The Professionals Current Page

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  • #9873

      Our strata manager has recently changed the accounts systems so that no-one (not even Exec Cttee members) can see who is overdue with levies. The manager this is because it is private information.


      Okay, then. How does the Chair decide who is entitled to vote at general meetings? How can a vote be refused, as to do so would disclose that the refused voter is overdue.

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    • #22957
      Sir Humphrey

        As an EC member I can log onto a web-based system and see the current state of our accounts, including which units are in arrears and by how much. Your EC should direct* the manager to provide a weekly emailed update until the manager sorts out access.

        *Of course ask nicely at first but if you get nowhere, make it clear who is boss.

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