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  • #8620

      Can anyone assist me with this issue please? I have a remote control unit to enter the car park beneath my building. Recently, the roller door was changed and since then I cannot use the remote unit and have to use the key that is also part of the general building entry.

      I bought the remote some time ago and was given the code at that time. When the new door was installed I asked the building manager and finally the contractor for the new code. The contractor advised he “couldn’t remember the cdoe” ??? The building manager firstly advised that the remote code was unchanged. Some weeks later he advised that the “electrician had made some changes” and that “he would advise when it was fixed.” I have asked several times now for the remote code because I took it back to the original supplier to ensure the unit was working correctly and they require the code.

      Do I have the right to insist on having the code given to me and what means do I have to take this issue further?

      thanks in advance

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    • #17490

        If you live in the building of course you have a right to entry – and your key still works.

        This to me seems a mix-up in communication. Changing a roller door in itself doesn’t mean the remote code will change.  That’s all done by the door controller.  If they changed that too then you might need the new code or even a new remote and that should have been given to you, if you are a resident.

        But surely if they changed the door code/system but not all the remotes there would be many others in your situation?   If other remotes are still working then you might have, by coincidence, a faulty remote unit?

        Talk to you neighbours?


        Hi justsaying,

        I have no idea what system you use but if it is a simple remote with a number key you only need to find a resident in the building who has a working remote and ask them for the number. Open the back of the buzzer and push the dials up and down to match the configuration. Some other security..No idea!

        Best of luck!


          thanks for your advice. Since my post I have discovered that the new garage door has not been setup for remote access. Apparently, we residents were not important enough to warrant any communication regarding this because “not everyone has a remote”.  In the meantime, another type of security system has been installed at the entrance to the car park ( not in operation as yet). At the last AGM owners voted against more security in the car park, so I am very surprised that the EC made a decision to install new equipment without approval at an AGM.

          I have written my oppositon to the Secretary and the SM…. the joys continue !!



            I would also advise the secretary that an EC decision CANNOT override a AGM decision and that if the AGM decided not to increase security the EC cannot them decide to do the opposite unless they are prepared to accept that they (the EC members) could be liable for the cost.

            This also applies to the Strata Manager and they (SM) could be liable for costs incurred that the AGM voted against if the Strata manager ignored the vote and did the upgrade anyway.

            Remember The SM and the EC are responsible and accountable to the Owners and they have to obey instruction from them if the owners passed a legal vote.

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