Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page

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  • #9000

    A couple purchased a unit in our block and have undertaken extensive renovations, leaving the guts of their unit in an unsightly pile of rubbish on their front lawn (which is their own, not on common property).

    They renovations seem to have proved too hard for them and we haven’t seen the new neighbours for a few weeks now.

    The debris is now starting to attract rats looking for nesting materials..!

    Are there any strata laws around this sort of thing? FYI, I live in Victoria.

    Any advice would be appreciatedLaugh



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  • #19279

      Your best bet is your own by-laws which may well have a clause regarding the appearance of private property – i.e. keeping it clean and tidy.  If there is one, sent them a letter (or get your strata manager to do so).  If there isn’t, call your local council’s environmental health department and ask if they can help.  Victorian strata laws are deliberately non-prescriptive so your own by-laws are usually your best bet  

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

        Agree with JimmyT.

        And some of the standard Victorian Model Rules should apply:

        1.1 Health, safety and security of lot owners, occupiers of lots and others
        A lot owner or occupier must not use the lot, or permit it to be used, so as to cause a hazard to the health, safety and security of an owner, occupier, or user of another lot.

        1.3 Waste disposal

        An owner or occupier must ensure that the disposal of garbage or waste does not adversely affect the health, hygiene or comfort of the occupiers or users of other lots.

        Then there is the Act itself:

        129 Care of lots

        A lot owner must—

        (a) properly maintain in a state of good andserviceable repair any part of the lot that affects the outward appearance of the lot o rthe use or enjoyment of other lots or thecommon property;


        Thanks for both of your replies.

        The owners happened to turn up over the weekend and we told them about the rats…they organised a skip in a matter of hours. The rubbish and rodents are all gone!



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      Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page