Flat Chat Strata Forum Strata Committees Current Page

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  • #9866

      One of our Executive Committee has just sold, finalised everything and moved out leaving three remaining members. He was the Secretary, lived here and was very active and on-the-ball.

      Those remaining aren’t anywhere near as active or sensible, two live elsewhere and the owner-occupier is just a seat-warmer protecting his own interests.

      I know the Act says the exiting EC member needs to be replaced but it doesn’t say how soon, so the clever Strata Manager has told them not to bother at all and wait until the AGM in June. Typical of our Strata Manager; to exploit a loophole so nothing need be done.

      I believe we need someone to step up and take over in a pro-active way sooner. I would be more than willing and there is another person more energetic and more experienced in life than me who also may be interested. Is there anything we might do please?

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    • #23105

        @Costa said:
        My head hurts. 

        Have a Bex and a lie down.

        But seriously, so many ECs work on an ad hoc basis, just doing what needs to be done to get things done, that strict adherence to the laws is not a high priority.  And so few people are prepared to give up thir time to serve on ECs that they are glad to grab anyone they can before they change their minds.

        But if anyone is concerned that their EC isn’t following correct or acceptable procedure in these matters, just put a motion up at your next AGM setting out what you think the procedure should be, and if your fellow owners agree, that becomes the way things have to be done in the future.

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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