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  • #8922

    Hi, looking for some advice on a potential issue with tenants and wanting to see where we stand as the landlord. I’m not trying to avoid my responsibilities but wanting to see what the view is.

    I’ve rented out our previous residence where I myself have lived in previously.  The current tenant have complained of a issue with odours.


    There was odours (not of my doing) as well when I lived there, the smell essentially came from other apartments and I assume the shared building ventilation system. However, I simply kept the ventilation fans on and this resolved the problem.


    The tenants are opposed to doing this citing additional electricity cost etc. The issue is also something that is experienced by other units in the building.

    The tenants are claiming they are not happy with this “workaround” and claiming it is making the unit not liveable.

    I’m really looking for advice as to where my responsibilities lie, as I mentioned I’m not trying to shirk responsibilities, but just want to know where I stand, as the smells are beyond my control.

    I can as an option install a device that will reduce (but not 100% fix) the issue, however this will cost a fair bit and really trying to minimise the cost. So what are my responsibilities as a landlord here, as it is not something in my unit that is making the smell.


    I’ve followed up with the owners corporation and don’t seem to be getting anywhere.


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  • #18946

      The responsibility for ensuring that a shared ventilation system (that is one servicing more than one Lot) performs as intended, that is as a air movement system not a odour transfer system, is that of your Owners Corporation.

      So I’d suggest that you make that point in writing to your Plan’s Strata Manager (copy your Exec. Committee Sec. and your tenant), and request that that they have THEIR ventilation system inspected with a view to identifying how it’s designed to be operated, which may be with Lot fans ON, and if there is a fault, rectifying it.


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