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  • #11952


      I live in a top floor apartment that faces west and am lucky enough to have houses across the road, so I have a great view from balcony and windows. The other great aspect is I have the sun pretty much all day, which is great in winter but not so much on the really hot summer days we have been having – my unit becomes an oven.  I’ve made lots of internal changes over the past few months to help cool the unit down – fans, window tinting, double layer block out blinds and floating floor boards.  The last insulation thing to do is put in insulation bats in the roof, of which there are currently none as it’s a 1970’s block.  As this is common property it would need strata approval, which will be difficult to get as it only impacts 1/3 of the owners and they hate spending money.

      My question is ‘is there a requirement for strata’s to install insulation in the roof to assist with reducing energy use during both cold winter and hot summer periods’.  With the recent push by governments for people to limit energy use during periods of high heat to ensure there isn’t a melt down of the energy system I wasn’t sure if strata regulations had caught up.

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    • Author
    • #30570
      BONNIE L

        Hi, We renovated our above before moving to a strata block and added insulation to the newer section; we were strongly advised by the architects and builder to double insulate.  That was before the big dry El Nino’s that have been around recent times.   Think it was a very worthwhile investment.   It’s really a matter of if your neighbours are on side with you in getting this done, how much disposable income in the maintenance kitty etc, and any other major works needed doing.  Don’t know that it’s anything other than an independent renovating project. Others may know more, and advise if it is part of strataland guidelines.    Best of luck!


          I don’t believe that the OC is obliged to install insulation, more specifically there is no requirement that an OC install insulation – perhaps a better approach is for you to offer to pay for part of it, and persuade the other owners who will benefit to also pay.

          You may also be asked to agree to a special by-law making you responsible for the insulation.

          I had insulation installed some time ago as I am on the top level, and it made a huge difference.


            Thanks Bonnie L & Scotlandx – I will talk to the owners on the top levels in all three buildings and see if they are interested and what we can do.


              It would be good to get all of the top floor owners involved – but you could just do your unit and those interested. 

              It is a really simple task subject to access/clearance and I can’t see the owners corporation objecting if it is at your cost. 

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