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  • #8728

      We realize that the Strata Schemes Management Act does not have legislation dealing with the use of Skype at EC , EGM, and AGM meetings

      Skype has been used at our EC meetings but it is my understanding that it may not be used at EGM’s and AGM’s.

      Our AGM is chaired by our Strata Managing Agent.

      What does an Owner do if another Owner attempts to use Skype at a AGM?

      If the Managing Agent is going to allow it does one tell him that it is not legal and that the meeting will be null and void, if that is the case if Skype is used?

      How does one prevent the use of Skype being used at the AGM if it becomes necessary?

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    • #18001

        @Felix said:
        We realize that the Strata Schemes Management Act does not have legislation dealing with the use of Skype at EC , EGM, and AGM meetings

        Skype has been used at our EC meetings but it is my understanding that it may not be used at EGM’s and AGM’s.

        Our AGM is chaired by our Strata Managing Agent.

        What does an Owner do if another Owner attempts to use Skype at a AGM?

        If the Managing Agent is going to allow it does one tell him that it is not legal and that the meeting will be null and void, if that is the case if Skype is used?

        How does one prevent the use of Skype being used at the AGM if it becomes necessary?

        Why would Skype (or any other form of telepresence) not be allowed at an AGM? Surely there would have been some precedent set for this by now… Has anyone had an AGM with someone on speakerphone before?

        I’m not familiar with what strata law has to say about the conditions that have to be met to be considered to be “present” at a meeting (I am guessing that it leaves this fairly open) so as long as they’ve met any conditions (if there are any) then there shouldn’t be any issue with the validity of the meeting and voting. Unless there is a problem verifying their identity.


          An owner who appears by Skype is not considered to be ‘present’ under the current law but that can easily be remedied by them providing a proxy so someone can vote on their behalf.
          At the general meeting itself, owners can decide whether or not the want to allow people to be present by Skype, telephone or an other means. A little groundwork with the EC should ensure that goes through without too much trouble. As long as the ‘electronically present’ owners have provided a proxy, there should be no issues about voting etc.
          However, one word of caution – I have heard anecdotally that for whatever reason – probably something to do with us being conditioned by years of TV watching, the Skype presence tends to dominate proceedings as we become entranced by the wonders of technology (even if there is a blithering idiot at the other end of the line).

          The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

            I haven’t used Skype but have taken part in conventional videoconferences.  Subject to any legal issues, it should work with one person at the remote site, but could it work with more than one remote participant?  Who would be responsible for switching between the remote sites so that each could be heard?  Might you need a separate computer for each remote participant?  My mind is starting to boggle.

            Voice phone teleconferencing, preferably using a dedicated receiver like the familiar three pointed ‘starfish’, should allow multiple remote participants.

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