Flat Chat Strata Forum Living in strata Current Page

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  • #8623

      Hi guys. I’m a recent first time home owner / strata member and just my luck I’ve been sucked into a dispute with my neighbour before I’d even moved in!

      We bought our unit and immediately began some minor renovations, all of which were minor enough that they did not require strata approval first (we checked). One such reno was to sand and reseal our floorboards. That’s where our problems started. 

      Although we’d already knocked and introduced ourselves and advised there would be some noise and smell, our closest neighbour in our 12 unit block complained to me about the varnish smell wafting through into her apartment. She immediately requested to be reimbursed for the cost of staying in a hotel for three nights to avoid the smell, and harangued our tradies, the strata managers and myself to see if we were “insured” to cover this. All three said no of course, and the strata managers explained that the issue did not fall under strata jurisdiction as I had not breached any by-laws.

      Apart from anything else, we had friends stay in our new unit (two days after her complaint) who slept on the freshly varnished floors and had no problem with the smell. What’s more, our clothes were hanging in the built-in robes during the varnishing and they don’t have any lingering smells at all.

      We bought our neighbour a nice ($30) bottle of red and wrote a card apologising for the inconvenience which we delivered to here the day before we moved in (four days after her initial complaint) and she happily accepted this. Two weeks later she slipped a letter under our door demanding $530 for the time she had spend in a hotel, and cleaning costs to dry clean all the clothes in her unit! As there were no receipts provided and I considered the request ridiculous, I ignored it.

      Another four weeks later we received another letter. Now she needed $600 and stated the “problem would not go away” until we had paid her. It also said she had a “medical certificate” due to “varnish poisoning”. Again I ignored it.

      A week later, I received a third letter, now demanding $700 and stating she had made applications to the CTTT regarding the dispute, quoting application #s. When I checked with the CTTT, these application #s were indeed made by our neighbour, but were incomplete, name my strata managers as the respondent, and contain no mention of the issue addressed in her letters to me.

      I have sought legal advice in case it does go to the CTTT and feel pretty confident. I still have seen no receipts for her claims, I had an apology gift happily accepted, I breached no laws or strata by-laws, and have stat decs written by our friends who stayed stating the smell was non-existent after 48 hours.

      I just thought it would be an interesting topic for the forum to discuss!

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    • #17509

        Sounds like a sad waste of a good red!  You are more deserving of it now.

        More seriously, have you been able to compare notes with your other neighbours?  There may be quite a trail of vexatious complaints from this person.


          @excathedra said:
          Sounds like a sad waste of a good red!  You are more deserving of it now.

          More seriously, have you been able to compare notes with your other neighbours?  There may be quite a trail of vexatious complaints from this person.

          I agree. Demanding money when there is no legal basis for payment, and based on false information and empty threats, is bordering on extortion and fraud.

          All these ‘bush lawyers’ in strata who think they are entitled to be compensated for every minor inconvenience need a reality check.  A brusque note telling them to either put or shut up or you will refer this to the police might have the desire effect.  Or, just for a laugh, you could threaten to sue for accepting a bottle of red under false pretenses.

          The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

            @excathedra said:
            Sounds like a sad waste of a good red!  You are more deserving of it now.

            More seriously, have you been able to compare notes with your other neighbours?  There may be quite a trail of vexatious complaints from this person.


            I did discuss it with our strata chairman and he agreed with your opinions here, but felt it would all blow over. I haven’t wanted to get other owners involved. Our neighbour seems to have good relationships with several of our other neighbours (and has made a point of discussing the situation to some of them loudly, outside my door). I have been getting along well with everyone else and I don’t want to put anyone in the position where they feel they have to take sides. 


            JimmyT said 

            A brusque note telling them to either put or shut up or you will refer this to the police might have the desire effect.  Or, just for a laugh, you could threaten to sue for accepting a bottle of red under false pretenses.

            Both options with merits! However, I will be contacting the CJC to ask for mediation when they reopen in 2013. Otherwise, if it does get to the CTTT, it could make for an entertaining afternoon.


              I feel very sorry for the neighbour who suffered, the varnish smell can make one feel ill, and feel uncomfortable with the posters here being uncaring and flippant.


                Yes, the smell of varnish or paint can be temporarily unpleasant and the Original Poster recognised that by presenting a gift by way of apology. But I don’t know of any substance for domestic use that would leave a lingering smell for so long. The demands by the neighbour are ridiculous and opportunist. You say flippant, I say lighthearted and this website is never going to slam anyone for trying to inject a bit of humour into what can be a dreary old world.

                The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

                  The OP’s neighbour is trying it on, what a load of twaddle.  What would they do if the common property walls were painted?

                  You have done nothing wrong, rather I think you have done everything you need to have done, i.e. letting the neighbours know beforehand etc.

                  Someone recently moved into our block and without telling anyone launched into pretty full scale renovations – no notice, no sorry for the inconvenience and noise, building materials dumped in the front garden, nothing.  One night at about 9.30 I smelt something funny and before long my eyes and nose were streaming from the worst varnish fumes I have ever smelt.  I have no idea what was being used, but I went into the foyer and couldn’t stay there the fumes were so bad, and I live two floors up from him.  I very much doubt that was the case here.

                  The smell dissipated over a couple of days but we were very cross with him for a number of reasons – he didn’t let us know, he chose to have it done at night and whatever varnish was used was revolting.  However, none of us would have made a claim against him. 


                    It’s all about attitude, isn’t it?  The original poster realised she had upset her neighbour and tried to make amends.  The neighbour unfortunately decided this was an opportunity to exact revenge and make a few bucks.

                    That’s very different from the mad renovator who doesn’t give a stuff how badly the noise and fumes from their efforts affect their neighbours

                    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

                    Ambrosis simply should ignore the demands.
                    Why because in law the burdon of proof rests with those making
                    an assertion. You are not obligated to engage
                    with some about an issue you believe has been resolved
                    or does not exisist. Only attend a tribunal if legally obliged
                    to you – have been sent a letter by the tribunal
                    If you turn up once again put the burdon
                    of proof on them furnish all receipts etc and
                    exact dates times.
                    If they persist in contacting you making unsubstantiated
                    demands as a last option after one written warning
                    inform them you may need to get a interim restraining
                    order interim ones are free but you need
                    to live with these people


                      Hi all. If anyone out there has been aching for closure, here you go:

                      The legal advice I sought had a great belly laugh after reading the letters and hearing my story. Although I did receive a fourth and final letter from my neighbour, cranking her required expenses up to an even $1100 and again threatening legal action, I decided to let the neighbour take the initiative and let things be. We received some dirty looks for a few weeks but no further letters.


                      After a while the neighbour started returning our friendly hellos as we passed in the hall and it seems they have since buried, or at least misplaced the hatchet.

                      They have since sold their unit and are moving out later this month.


                      And so ends the crazy neighbour varnish saga!


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