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  • #9381

      We have a person at our complex who complains about everything, for example one of the things this person does is around taking pictures of insignificant marks on the walls and complains to fair trading that the Body Corporate does not do it job, one of the ongoing complaints was about fire hazards, a complaint must have been made to the local council as they slapped an upgrade order on the complex.

      The front doors were upgraded to the latest standard and are now extremely noisy as they have been fitted with very strong closers, the door are very heavy with no soundproofing on the door jamb, so they close with a loud bang, we can hear all the doors in our apartment from when people start work at 6am till the last person comes home after midnight, you may as well say 24 hours of the day we are disturbed.

      I was at my brother place who lives in a new complex and noticed they have door closers, half the strength of our but more importantly there is a rubber membrane fixed to the door jamb all the way around, this reduces the noise of the door closing to nothing.

      Now after that small preamble to my question, does anybody know if the standard for fire-doors opening on hallways in a residential complex prohibits sound proofing.

      It is so bad if this can not be rectified we will have to move, we have lived here for nearly 40 years and the wife is distraught, and as we have lived here for so long this is not an easy option.Cry

      NB: I changed the screen name of this poster because he used his real name (and again in the post)_ but then proceeded to insult one of his neighbours.  Really?  Anonymity is a protection for you and us.  Just make up a name – it’s not that hard. – JimmyT

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    • #21077

        Firdt you need to get the door closers adjusted (which is done  using two hxagonal or Allen screw heads).  The installers will always set these at the maximum “slam” because that guarantee s the door will close.  You can have all the doors adjusted to a soft click.  If that still doesn’t work, you can probably add the rubber strips provided the don’t interfere with the door cclosing properly (which is the key to all this).

        So really what you need to do is put a motion to your Executive Committee (or strata manager) asking them to have the doors adjusted because they are breaching by-laws about not interfering with the peaceful enjoyment of other lots.

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

          hi thnak

          @JimmyT said:
          Firstly you need to get the door closers adjusted (which is done  using two hexagonal or Allen screw heads).  The installers will always set these at the maximum “slam” because that guarantee s the door will close.  You can have all the doors adjusted to a soft click.  If that still doesn’t work, you can probably add the rubber strips provided the don’t interfere with the door cclosing properly (which is the key to all this).

          So really what you need to do is put a motion to your Executive Committee (or strata manager) asking them to have the doors adjusted because they are breaching by-laws about not interfering with the peaceful enjoyment of other lots.

          Thank for the idea,  I have looked at the closers and unlike the old ones these do not seem to be easily adjusted,  I have looked with a torch to insure I see properly ( do not get old),  I am going to send an email saying I would like things to stay friendly BUT….. and then outline you idea.

          thanksLaugh again  Ray Stanborough



            If the friendly request doesn’t work you could also check whether the alterations were approved at a General meeting with a special resolution.  There is a view that a lawful direction from a relevant Govt. authority could be accepted as a “maintainence” issue and handled by the EC but this sort of issue is a clear indication of the myriad issues which can be involved e.g. type of door closer which all interested parties should vote on

              No it was done with everybodys knowledge,  the complex had a fire order slapped on it  so everything has to be upgraded to today’s standards,  I have sent the information I found onto the company handling the building body corp affairs, and they say they have forwarded it to the company doing the work for comment,  I will let it got for a few more weeks and then it is of to Fair Trading, but I will let them know I do intend to start proceedings,  I have told them that I will be doing so if it is not fixed. Laugh


              I found a site that mentions door seals that are fire rated for about an hour which I mentioned in my email also saying that the  company should already know this. Confused  on reflection I wonder if the Body Corp decided against sound proofing to save costs or just did not think of it as the old dorrs did not have it, I was going to complain some time ago but waited for ther new doors thinking wrongly that there would be an improvement.

              Hi Ronnie, All,

              Similar in our building. I have always adjusted the door closer myself as even the fire inspection guys don’t. Have requested it to be done….Nothing.

              Any failure though of any element of the front door fire door of ones apartment has always been OC responsibility.

              Recently we received our notice of fire inspection, an added note was that any failure of closures above doors would now be the lot owners responsibility. No meetings, no notice, no nothing. Go figure. Maybe the new legislation covers? Strata living is still such a grey area of laws and the interpretation of them in my mind. Have yet to bail SM up about this issue.

              Cheers CBF


                considerate band fair
                Recently we received our notice of fire inspection, an added note was that any failure of closures above doors would now be the lot owners responsibility. No meetings, no notice, no nothing. Go figure. Maybe the new legislation covers? Strata living is still such a grey area of laws and the interpretation of them in my mind. Have yet to bail SM up about this issue.

                Cheers CBF

                I would give the dept of Fair Trading a call,  I have always found them helpful in the past and I am sure they would give you advise as to the legality of what was done.


                  The closers on a fire door are an integral part of the door, so are common property just as the door itself is.  So that makes the OC responsible for their maintenance, end of story.  Same principle as the door hinges.  If the Strata Manager is telling you any different, they don’t know their job.  Smile


                    yep,  I have complained,  hmm about a week ago saying I WILL be taking it to Fair Trading if I have to,  I have not heard anything yet,  I will give them another week and start officially making a noise.Laugh



                    DFT, CTTT, NCAT, tell em your jokin’.

                    Belly Laugh,

                    CBF Laugh


                      @considerate band fair said:
                      DFT, CTTT, NCAT, tell em your jokin’.

                      Belly Laugh,

                      CBF Laugh

                      would ICAC be interested Wink


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