Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page

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  • #53906

      <p style=”text-align: left;”> Hi Flatchatter,</p>
      We have recently received an invoice from the strata manager. They are asking for the recovery of a plumbing bill, for the work done to replace the hot water meter for the unit we own.

      The strata manager said works were required to be done as instructed by Committee to protect the common area. They identified the hot water meter was non compliant and decided to carry out the work to replace it. Since the utility is exclusive to our property , the bill is charged to us.

      Can strata or owners corp request to carry out the work without any notice to the owner? I didnot receive any communication at all until seeing the bill.

      I understand it is owners responsibility to arrange the replacement but I might find somewhere else with more reasonable quotes if they had contacted me first.  Any chance I can waive the costs?


      Thanks in advance!


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    • #53920

        Whilst the meter may be for the exclusive use of your lot, the meter is not lot owner property.

        The meter is either the property of the water utility (not likely in this case as it’s for hot water) or the meter is used to charge back hot water and gas usage in an embedded network. An embedded network means the OC is the body responsible for metering and charging for the hot water to lot owners. Usually the reading is contracted out to a third party, but nevertheless the meter is the OC responsibility.

        Taking another tact, if for the sake of the argument the lot owner owns the meter. Under strata law they can do anything they want with their property. Therefore the lot owner could remove the meter if they chose to do so, and therefore the lot owner would not be billed for hot water.

        Tell the SM it’s common property and the Oac is responsible for the costs. You may have to take this to the courts to assert your right.

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