Flat Chat Strata Forum Strata Committees Current Page

  • Creator
  • #11695
    Flame Tree (Qld)

      I think I’ll submit motions occasionally for committee meetings to try and drive some action, and have a more formal record that I am trying to work with the committee to catch up on overdue issues. Is there a requirement to send these in before that meeting? How long in advance, if so. And should I attach explanatory notes as I would for a agm motion? 

      Also, do I need to flag my attendance, or can I just pop by when it’s on?

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    • Author
    • #29703
      Lady Penelope

        Flame Tree – The following extract from the Qld govt web site might answer your question:

        Committee meetings

        Body corporate legislation does not deal with owners’ motions to committee meetings. However the minutes of committee meetings must include details of any correspondence (notes or letters) presented to the meeting.

        Therefore an owner can send correspondence to the committee and this can include a request for the committee to vote on at its next meeting.

        However, if a request is put more formally as a motion, it can be dealt with more efficiently.

        A number of adjudicators’ orders refer to committee transparency and adding items to agendas. You can search for adjudicator’s orders on the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) website.

        A lot owner who is not a Committee member must give the secretary at least 24 hours written notice of their intention to attend the Committee meeting.

        Flame Tree (Qld)

          Thanks Penelope, I appreciate that.

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