Flat Chat Strata Forum Strata Committees Current Page

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  • #8724

    Hi all. Our Annual General Meeting will be held in May or June. I strongly suspect our Executive Committee, who have been neglectful and inactive all year, will attempt to get a few resolutions passed which some of us here may view as inappropriate. This happens every year; things that have needed attention for some time, all of a sudden are addressed with improper and band-aid, short-sighted solutions. It’s as if they do it to as evidence they’ve been hard at it but there’s always a lack of forethought and real planning.

    Of course, they’ll also be the annual disbandment of the Committee and a new election. The nucleus of proxy controllers will most likely stay with the addition of a new sycophant or two. From then on it’ll be more of the same. Nothing will move ahead. The strata manager will swing the same way as the prevailing, damp sea breeze.

    We are a block of 32 in Sydney. Do the EC and Strata Manager have to tell us when the AGM is going to be on, in time to for us to put our own resolutions on the agenda? When the AGM notice turns up it’s usually a big surprise.

    Can the annual disbandment of the Committee and election of the new Committee be put off in an AGM until everyone of the prospective new Committee members views on issues are known? Could we, for example, ask for a vote to change when the agenda item about this occurs?

    What can be done, actually in a meeting, about someone holding say, 10 proxies, who has obviously gone around asking for them? (With the purpose of stopping things moving ahead rather than getting some good stuff done.)

    Usually what is best might be ‘continuity’ in a strata, I suppose. But not here. We need a whole new way of doing things. Please help.

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  • #17983

      The AGM must by law be held around the same time every year. No need to wait for the meeting notice. Just send any proposed motions to the secretary with a copy to the strata manager.


      You cannot defer the election of the committee. It must be done at the AGM.


      All common property must be kept in a good state of repair at all times under Section 62 of the Act. If it isn’t you can apply to the CTTT for an order that anything that is not in a good state of repair be fixed.


      There is nothing you can do about proxies, other than preparing a detailed letter to all owners outlining your concerns. Unfortunately a lot of owners, especially investors, don’t appreciate how a well maintained building will protect their investment, and simply go for the cheapest short-term solution, usually meaning doing no maintenance. 


        The secretary or SM has to give 7 days notice of the AGM, and a copy of the agenda with the motions to be voted.

        Most reasonable SM will send out a notice approx 2 months before the AGM with a request for motions to be submitted at the AGM to be returned no later than 1 month before the AGM date.

        If yours dosn’t do this just send in a request to have these motions added to the AGM agenda. Make sure you do this at least 1 month before AGM due.

        As for proxies if YOU go around after the proxy collector has obtained his proxies and get the lot owners to name you as the new proxy for their vote, the newest proxy form by date is the valid one, and so you would trump any earlier dated proxy.

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