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    I live in an older red brick unit block there are nine units.   Eight years ago a landlord applied for a foxtel dish to be fixed to the building.  The application was accepted.   The application mentioned that additional installations could be added to the same dish (with permission of exec committee).   Since this first installation we have had six un-authorised installations.  This has resulted in two extra dishes and plenty of cables bolted to common property.   One particular installation a support under a step was removed so a cable cable could be put through a wall.  The step has become a hazard.  Letters were sent to tenants to try and stop our foxtel cancer spreading further.  But to no avail another piece of cable appeared rapped in white conduit that stands out from the red brick this time removing a small drainage pipe as it obviously got in the way of their precious cable.  Contacting foxtel is a waste of time so wondering weather we can just get our handy man to  remove any un-authorised foxtel equipment is this legal.  ???

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  • #19339

      Our Plan negotiated a Simple Multiple Dwelling Unit (MDU) Agreement with Austar (now Foxtel) in 2010, and even though that process was akin to dealing with a Government bureaucracy when I tried to incorporate some specific conditions with regard to the positioning of visible components such as the satellite dish and conduit, those conditions and a site plan were eventually included.

      I was originally advised by Austar that the MDU Agreement was in place to negate the requirement for them to approach the Executive Committee on every occasion that a Proprietor wished to subscribe to their service,  although they would require the written agreement of those Proprietors or their Agent (property manager) if their potential subscriber was a tenant.

       So that’s how it’s worked for our Plan, where seven (7) additional installations comprising three (3) additional satellite dishes have since occurred, the most recent being last July, and on each occasion the (different) contractors have complete the installations precisely in accordance with the specific conditions of our MDU Agreement.

      Clearly your Plan has had a different experience, and whilst I don’t know the form its MDU Agreement I imagine they’re pretty standard, and ours states at Clause 2 that “Austar will repair any damage caused by any deliberate act or omission, or negligence of Austar’s employees or agents during its access to the premises including all Common Areas…..” and where “access” is defined in Clause 1 to comprise “inspecting the premises for the purposes of the installation of equipment” and “to connect equipment to units”.

      I’d conclude that the original Application to which your post refers likely resulted in an MDU Agreement , and under that there’s no requirement for Foxtel to seek the consent of your Executive Committee prior to any further installations, BUT that Foxtel (in your example) is responsible for rectifying  damage of the types to which you refer.

      So you shouldn’t interfere with residents’ installations, but as the conduit etc is Foxtel’s property and it was their “employees or agents” who caused damage to and defaced the Common Property during the various installations, your Owners Corporation or its Strata Managers should persist with its approach to Foxtel and request that it rectifies the damage that they caused; photographic evidence and an approach to their customer relations people would help.   


      What right does an executive committee have to authorise an addition to common property?

      If there is an MDU Agreement in place I don’t think it would be worth the paper it was written on unless approved by a special resolution at a general meeting.

      IMO the short answer to your question is, unless any of the installations were approved via a special resolution, the owners corporation would have the right to reinstate common property to its former state (i.e. remove any unauthorised installations on common property).


        None – but I assume that in the absence of an MDU Agreement it is Austar/Foxtel’s policy to use a Plan’s Executive Committee as the conduit (sorry) to secure the required Consent, and as I recalled, their Rep. advised that they’d prefer to have the MDU Agreement in place to avoid that repetitive step; they just don’t like including conditions other than their standard ones.

        Anyway…. whilst not disputing the right of the Owners Corporation (O/C) to remove unapproved additions to its Common Property, in my humble opinion (I detest internet slang) any reasonable person would regard that as being totally unreasonable, particularly if they were then paying for a pay-tv service that they couldn’t receive, and in the case of tenants, one for which they’d possibly obtained the prior consent of their Landlord.

        TINALO but I believe that if UN-FAIR wants to see the whole thing and/or its consequences played out in a Court, then by all means arrange for the removal of the cabling, conduit, and satellite dishes; remembering of course that the latter are Foxtel’s property! Come to think of it, as a sanity check, if UN-FAIR has a Strata Manager then perhaps the Executive Committee could instruct them to arrange for that removal, and see what reaction results; I’ll recon they’ll run a mile! 

        I still think that persistent approaches to Foxtel to encourage them to do the right thing with the past installations by their contractors would see a better outcome; but that’s just MPO. 

        Oh and by the way, our O/C’s original decision to delegate me the authority to enter into a MDU Agreement covering satellite dishes and cabling on specific areas of the Common Property was specially resolved at a General Meeting.


          @Whale said:

          So you shouldn’t interfere with residents’ installations, but as the conduit etc is Foxtel’s property and it was their “employees or agents” who caused damage to and defaced the Common Property during the various installations, your Owners Corporation or its Strata Managers should persist with its approach to Foxtel and request that it rectifies the damage that they caused; photographic evidence and an approach to their customer relations people would help.   

          I am now writing out 100 times “I must not advise readers to vandalise other people’s property – especially after too much red wine late at night …”

          The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

            It’s funny isn’t it – it’s ok for them (Foxtel) to vandalise/damage your property, but woe betide you if you touch theirs….


              Gees guys….. are you tartan-clad lot picking on the Whale?

              How is an Owners Corporation removing a satellite dish from its Common Property any different from it removing a person’s car from its carpark or even removing Agents’ signs from its front yard?

              In each example the O/C is dealing with the property of a third party, and whilst that’s not inviolable, I was just suggesting that the O/C should first give the property owner the opportunity to relocate or remove it, and should that approach fail, to be cautious about how it handles that property, and be aware of the fact that in UN-FAIR’s situation it’s interfering in a contractual relationship between a a provider of pay-tv service and its subscriber.

              So before this topic slides off the bottom of the homepage – Save the Whale!


                @Whale said:
                Gees guys….. are you tartan-clad lot picking on the Whale?

                I thought I was agreeing with you.  I am now writing out 100 times “I must make my intentions more clear when I am backing down.”

                But seriously, you’re right.  It might be in the wrong place and without permission but it’s someone else’s property.

                I also believe the government changed the telecommunications legislation quite radically to allow Foxtel, Optus and mobile phone companies to set up their infrastructures.  You may find that they didn’t need permission to cable on common property (but they should still make good any damage they caused).

                By the way, driving to Sydney airport past these new schemes in Alexandria, you see what happens when a central cable system isn’t created for a block.  The infestation of satellite dishes on every other balcony makes these shiny new homes look like a British council house estate.


                The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

                  I wasn’t picking on you Whale, I think you are fab, bless your blowhole.  And the advice you have given is spot-on as usual.

                  It’s just one of the ironies of our over-engineered life, someone comes in, hacks up the property to install something, and then can make a fuss if you touch their stuff.  Kafka would have a field day.

                  That said – I think there is a difference between someone’s car parked on the property or items left on the common property – in those cases they are not installed with consequential damage to the common property, and are capable of simple removal.



                    There is another possibility here.

                    And that is that it’s NOT Foxtel’s authorised contractors that are doing the installations.

                    That is what has happened in our OC, but the history needs a bit of explanation.

                    Foxtel initially wanted to do un ugly satellite installation in our 2 buildings:  2 satellite dishes and 2 x RG6 cables per apartment  running all over the common property from inside each apartment to a satellite dish.

                    We objected and got an integrated solution that used our existing MATV system.  We already had the cables for satellite dishes to the MATV area but they were not good enough for Foxtel.  So we installed Foxtel approved cables  (only 2 of them) from their dish to our MATV system and then a lot of electronics to integrate it with Free-to-Air TV.  All residents then got Foxtel to all TV outlets in their apartment.

                    But this was expensive to do and one of our 2 buildings objected, saying no-one in the building wanted Foxtel. So we only integrated one building (and only charged those owners).

                    But what happened was that Foxtel considered us as a single address.  And in their data-base the OC became marked as “satellite system installed” (even though one building wasn’t).  This meant any resident could order a Foxtel service.  New tenants in the not equipped building have managed to install a dish (on the roof) and cabling.  Foxtel was none-the-wiser that it was a pirate install and allowed them a service.  We only discovered this after the tenants moved out!  We have no idea who did the installation but it’s poorly done and NOT to Foxtel’s standards (eg they used the Sat cable that was there that Foxtel had refused to use).

                    So I know there can be true pirates out there!  And it can happen if Foxtel has your OC’s address as “satellite system installed”.

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