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  • #8752

      Whilst I am sure there are plenty of power hungry EC’s out there, there are also plenty that work tirelessly looking after buildings on behalf of ungrateful and sometimes abusive owners. I am a VOLUNTEER who gives up my spare time to look after and maintain a building because I don’t want to live in a slum and I value my investment. I clean up rubbish in common areas and put out all the recycling bins (apparently the owners can fill them but not manage to take them to the footpath and back). I am buzzed at all hours of the day and night and expected to fix every issue in 5 minutes (some times about things which I have no idea – I am not a builder, plumber, electrician, handyman etc). I make time to meet with tradesmen and liaise regularly with the strata manager. I am hassled about the high strata levies (like I personally set them) by owners who don’t attend any meetings and wouldn’t dream of doing some work themselves to keep the costs down. I have been thanked twice in 5 years…
      Instead of people complaining when things are not done swiftly enough for their liking, maybe they could nominate for the EC and actually contribute to the running of the building instead of sitting back and whinging? I have been on the EC for the past 5 years and have been trying to get off but there is no one that will step up and take on the role. Why would they when its a thankless, frustrating and relentlessly demanding position??? Frown

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    • #18096

        I see the EC role as political.  Which in many ways it is.  EC members are elected and have quite large powers.  In a way it’s the next level of politics: Federal, State, Local then OC.

        Why would anyone go into politics?  Certainly not for the money – of which there is none at OC level anyway.  And just like all the other levels, those who go into politics can get abused.  And of course they get demands and complaints to fix or change things.  And in the end, they get very little or no thanks. 

        The reasons to go on the EC vary from person to person.  For me it’s to try to improve the living experience of all residents.  And that means trying to get things done and to make improvements that benefit the majority.    And it’s about not being apathetic.  If something matters, try to understand it and get involved.

        It never ceases to amaze my how one issue can be of paramount importance to one resident(s) but of zero importance to another(s).  Getting the 12 owners in the OC where I live to all agree on any matter is almost  impossible – thank goodness for majority voting.

        And the apathy in an OC can be amazing.  One of the OCs where I’m a member has 200 lots.  At the AGM last week only 6 owners turned up.  Of those, the only non-resident owner was me.   Yet the complaints from the non-attendees will freely flow through the next year.

        But at the end of each year our building becomes a (sometimes only slightly) better place to live.  That makes it all worthwhile.

        Sir Humphrey

          @Bennifer said:
          Whilst I am sure there are plenty of power hungry EC’s out there, there are also plenty that work tirelessly looking after buildings on behalf of ungrateful and sometimes abusive owners. … I have been on the EC for the past 5 years and have been trying to get off but there is no one that will step up and take on the role. Why would they when its a thankless, frustrating and relentlessly demanding position??? Frown

          A few years ago, when our EC was getting much grief for doing the good things, our strata manager suggested we all just not stand. The consequence would be that every decision would require a general meeting and her fees would be higher. I’m sure she was not angling for a higher fee. She was just suggesting this is what it might take to make people wake up to the good work being done by the EC. 

          In the end we stayed on and achieved some good things and the whingers and nay-sayers have gradually lost credibility with the owners who previously listened to them. 


            I am hearing you Bennifer!

            Same here.  I was on the committee for 10 years.  Lots of work no thanks!  Just complaints.  But no mention when something fantastic happened.  And yet the owners will come to the AGM year after year and complaint.  They will complaint about something that they havent even mentioned to anyone!  They will complain that the light in the common area doesnt work, they have noticed it not working for 6 months but have said nothing.  Because that is apparently the responsibility of the EC to notice everything, even if it is within an owners lot or in a part of the complex they do not routinely pass by.

            I had people contacting me for the most trivial things. And knocking on my door rather for anything and everything.  Mostly they wanted me to give them permission or organise it now.   I had one owner who bashed on my door to fix something immediately or they would hold be personally liable for the safety of their children.  The problem was in the common area and was not an immediate threat to anyone.  And there I was.  I couldnt personally fix the problem.  It would take phone calls to the relevant professionals.  And phone calls to the SM.  And it would take some time.  So this owner then got his children and “parked” then on this part of the common area!  Therefore subjecting them directly to this “danger”!  Why should I have to put up with that? Together with everything else, that is why I am no longer on the committee.

            We had alot of hard working people on the committee at one stage.  All worked selflessly and gave up much of their free time to ensure that  everyones unit and the complex as a whole was maintained.  All this for no money and little thanks.  Just complaints that not enough was done but too much money was spent despite the fact the our committee actually did alot of the work (cleaning, clearing, gardening) themselves.  No there is no one doing any work on the EC of any kind.  And our expenses have gone up and yet no maintenance is being done.  Now they have something to complain about!

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