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  • #8534

      We bought off the plan 12 months ago & have now been in to look at the very nearly finished product.


      When we bought, we were told the apartment was 72 square metres internally with a 17 square metre courtyard. The registered strata plan says the total square metres internal & external is 91 square metres, so we have gained 2 square metres somewhere.

      However, when we measure the individual rooms of the apartment the total internal floor space is 63 square metres – not 72 square metres.

      Is there a ‘trick’ to how they determine the internal floor space – because we seem to be out by about 9 square metres.



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    • #17092

        Square metreage is determined by measuring the outer boundaries of the lot, I.e the perimeter of the entire space, not the measurements of each room added up. So it disregards walls, cupboards etc.

        You can get a surveyor to measure it for you if you like.


          Good advice – remember also that the area shown on the Strata Plan may (and usually does) include the area of any carspace and/or storeroom that “forms part of the Lot”, although the 2m² that you seem to have gained is insufficient for that to be the case.

          The definition that “Scotty’s” provided is the one that’s commonly applied to a measurement of “floor area”, whereas your Developer is quoting “metres internally”, and as they’re sometimes as tricky as their measurement definitions, I’d take-up the suggestion of spending a few extra $ on having your Unit expertly measured before you make your final committment.   



            Indeed the developer has said 72 square metres internally & 17 metres externally – 89 square metres all up.

            The strata plan says the lot is 91 square metres for apartment & courtyard & 105 square metres including parking.

            Measuring room by room, wall to wall I only get a total of 63 square metres – but if they don’t usually count the walls, then I guess it makes sense.

            So does that mean if an apartment is advertised as 60 sqm internally, it most likely only has around 52 square metres of actual usable floor space?


              I’m not a surveyor, I think that would be the best person to ask.

              Also when entering into a contract like that, it’s a good idea to ask how they have calculated the space. A lot in our block sold not long ago, advertised as a certain size. I knew it wasn’t, because it is considerably smaller than mine, but according to the real estate agent’s measurements, it is larger. Caveat emptor.

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