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  • #11373

      Hello Flat chatters,

      Can anyone tell me is there a provision at an AGM or any strata meeting to call for names to be noted as to how the person voted on a motion and those that abstain. Similar to a division !!

      If there is provision for this what is it called and also when do you have to call for it. Do you have to let the meeting know before the start of the meeting that this will be called or at the time of voting.

      I know there is poll voting but that does not give the names to be noted does it??

      Thank you

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    • #28322

        No there aren’t any specific provisions in that regard.  As a general principle if someone asks that their vote for, against or abstention be noted in the minutes, then it should be recorded.  

        Same with a poll vote, it doesn’t make any difference other than the way the vote is calculated.


          What if a vote against something does not appear in the minutes? Is that then brought up at the next meeting under “the previous minutes motion” or can you write to the SM beforehand?

          Sir Humphrey

            What if a vote against something does not appear in the minutes? Is that then brought up at the next meeting under “the previous minutes motion” or can you write to the SM beforehand?  

            You can write to the SM and/or committee any time you like about any matter that concerns you about the running of the OC ;-).

            How urgently you act would depend on the consequences. If the vote was close and perhaps should have failed and the motion was to do something that may occur soon, then get on with it. If the motion passed overwhelmingly but you simply want it noted for posterity that it was not without some dissent, then that can wait: Propose an amendment to the minutes at the next meeting to record that some voted no.

            Sometimes minute takers prefer to simply record that a motion passed or failed but I would prefer to give the numbers, e.g. ‘Motion X. Ordinary Resolution: That the Owners Corporation does XYZ.  Passed. Yes 25, No 10, Abstentions 3’. 

            Or, perhaps I have misunderstood. Do you mean that a motion was put to the meeting and failed and neither the motion nor the outcome were recorded? If so, you can let the chair of the meeting and secretary know that you think this should be included in the record of the meeting and then propose such an amendment when minutes are accepted at the next meeting. 


              Thank you Scotlandx

              Perhaps it is something that should be looked at. There are too many owners that are very vocal outside of a meeting and stir others up and yet when they are called to vote sit very quietly and say nothing.

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