Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page

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  • #8902

    We have a funny rule where I live. We are not allowed leave our washing on the line after 7pm, after that time it has to be taken in.

    They are common washing lines out the back of the property so not visable from anywhere.


    It seams very unreasonible. I have stopped using the line as its easy to forget and the arguements with the body corp are not worth it.


    Are they allowed do this? How do I check if its actually a rule and not the whim of a bossy person in the building? How can I change it?



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  • Author
  • #18810

      Check the by-laws, if you don’t have them call the strata manager and ask them for a copy.

      Unless it is specifically in the by-laws then you can leave your washing there for as long as you like.

      What a silly rule.

      In the unlikely event that it is in the by-laws, then the way to change it is by special resolution at a general meeting, in which case you would need to get substantial support from other owners so you got the requisite 75% vote at the meeting.

      Sir Humphrey

        It does sound silly. Perhaps they had a problem previously with limited line space and people leaving stuff out for many days?

        If there actually were some problem it seems the solution would be to install some more line space rather than being officious.


        thanks guys, I will review the laws. 


        if i decide to just ignore the rule, what can they do?


          If there is no by-law, there is nothing they can do.

          If there is a by-law, they would have to issue a notice to comply.

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