Flat Chat Strata Forum The Professionals Current Page

  • Creator
  • #77603
    concerned consumer
      What has happened to the Netstrata reports?  Our levies in a near-new building have almost doubled in a couple of years, we are paying for non-existent defect remediation through, I think, embedded networks contracts. Now Netstrata are hinting strongly that if we change insurers we will still have to pay them the commission that they say they don’t claim. Has this all been swept under the carpet or put in Fair Trading’s “too hard” basket? What do we do now?
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    • Author
    • #77611

        Hello concerned consumer

        Yesterday I received an email from NSW Fair Trading.  It was addressed to strata committee members, who have their email address on Strata Hub.  Here is the bit you might find interesting:

        “If they assist your strata scheme to secure insurance quotes, these quotes must have a breakdown of certain costs. Strata managers will be banned from getting a commission on insurance – if your scheme obtained the quote and arranged for its payment independently, without their help.”


        I posted the full text of the email in a new topic (to avoid hijacking this one).


        concerned consumer


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