Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page

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  • #8513

      We are a small block of 6 units with a separate converted block of 3 units under the same strata. I would like to know our liability as to providing wheelchair access to the strata as a whole.
      The 6 unit building has a foyer with one flight of stairs for access to the second level – what rules do we have to abide to for wheelchair access? Do we have to agree to a lift or a chair lift?

      Only information I can find on Forum from Jimmy T is in 2006 –

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    • #17001

      Unless you have a requirement to install ramps/lifts/chairlifts due to a resident necessity, then I don’t believe that strata schemes automatically have a requirement to be wheelchair friendly, particularly in retrospect.


      If you have a resident who needs special access, then this is generally put to the vote to alter common property (much like any other alteration).


        So if there is a split vote Body Corporate does not have to supply access under Health & Safety etc?


        Assuming you don’t have mixed use in your scheme, WHS provisions may not necessarily apply.
        However, if you’ve a resident who needs the access and you fail to provide it, then that resident will almost certainly and easily win a case in the CTTT and depending on how nasty things get, could also possibly launch civil proceedings once all is said and done.

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      Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page