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  • #11801

      At what time of the night should unit dwellers refrain from showering?
      Despite being asked for more consideration for me the occupiers above my unit  have a 10 minute shower at 11.30 + pm several nights a week.
      I hope there is a regulation time as nothing after 10.30pm so look forward to your response.

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    • #30108

        There are no laws or regulations governing the time one can take a shower in an apartment. 

        I take it they are disturbing you, in which case the issue is why? Is the plumbing defective? Is the building not sufficiently insulated? 


          @scotlandx said:
          I take it they are disturbing you, in which case the issue is why? Is the plumbing defective? Is the building not sufficiently insulated?   

          I also wonder if a bathroom has been moved in an “informal” renovation.  Normally if you were putting a bathroom over a bedroom, the sound insulation would be ramped up.

          The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

            I am often disturbed when the neighbour on level 3 in my building takes a late-night shower. But in my scenario it’s because their floor drain pipe extends to the skin of the building and the “catchment bucket” [rainhead? sorry, don’t know proper term] that would normally feed the water into the down pipe and into the drain has fallen off at some stage. So the water pours directly onto the path below, which is right near my own ground floor bathroom window. Basically a localised torrential downpour and very noisy. Not the stuff of soothing rain apps!

            (Also not great if anyone should actually want to use the path at that time, since the path is narrow with building on one side and fence on the other.) 


              … the “catchment bucket” [rainhead? sorry, don’t know proper term] that would normally feed the water into the down pipe and into the drain has fallen off at some stage. So the water pours directly onto the path below … 

              You need to get your strata committee to fix that as a matter of urgency.

              I used to own a unit in a block where the neighbours didn’t properly repair their downpipe drain, the rain ran on to the concrete path and was then run off into the grass and soil near our side of the path. 

              Nobody cared or thought anything was amiss … until the whole of that corner of our building started to sink.  The occasional concentration of water was enough to undermine the foundations at that spot. Admittedly ours was an old building that hadn’t been particularly well constructed but that’s not the way you want to find out. 

              Get your committee to fix it pronto.

              The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

              And shower water is “grey water” ie unsanitary. There are so many issues with this it doesn’t bear thinking about. It’s not a matter of owners voting whether to fix it or not – it’s a health, health and safety, and liability issue. Call your strata manager and get them to arrange to fix it. The Sinking Fund will cover it (if you have a sinking fund…..).

              As for the first poster, agree, no “cut off” time for showers, but this falls into the realm of ensuring not interfering with the comfort etc of others in the block. If they are disturbed by the noise it’s no different to someone playing music loudly etc. But as previous posters have suggested, plumbing is usually installed to create as little noise, interference as possible. Clearly something has gone wrong here.

              Plumbing is a Body Corporate / Owners’ Corporation issue. Your neighbour with the problem should report it to the Executive Committee or Strata Manager and get it investigated.

              You should definitely NOT be subjected to other’s plumbing in a unit development. If you are, it suggests there’s a problem with the building or the plumbing.


                Thanks Jimmy, thanks Tess! Yes, wholeheartedly agree the matter of the missing rainhead and shower water needs prompt attention. I did in fact mention it in a recent meeting and no one disagreed with me when I said it needed fixing. But this thread has reminded me to follow up!

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