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  • #8457

      This from the Mailbox:

      I just need some advice I have an older apartment (pre WW11). The bath is leaking from the bath waste to the floor wast ( it is a pipe that is encased in concrete). The Strata are paying for the repair but as I will be without a shower for at least two days I
      will have to move to a hotel or something. They are telling me that I have to pay for this and I am really upset as I cannot see why the cost should be all mine as the problem obviously is a long standing one and I have only been here since April. Also as the Strata is fixing the problem surely part of the ‘fix’ is alternative accomdation for myself and my son?
      Thank you for your advice

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    • #16744

        I suggest sponge baths!

        As inconvenient as it will be, you are fortunate the OC is paying for the repairs.

        If you owned a Torens Title house you would have to organise the plumbers/builders and pay for the repairs, as well as sponge bath or go to a family or neighbour’s place to shower/bathe.

        If the repair involved toilet waste as well, I have seen homes with a porta-loo out front for the residents to use.

        It will be good practice for the promised power strikes (in NSW).


          Two days or so is not a long time, and you can’t really say the works are making your place uninhabitable. So there are options such as sponge baths, using a friend’s place to shower, or asking someone in the building.

          We went more than three weeks without hot water once because the boiler broke, now that was fun….


            In our complex, we had a by law drawn up to ensure owners were responsible for their own internal plumbing and for leaking bathrooms/showers etc. so we not only have to pay for our bathroom repairs but had to make our own arrangements too.

            You would still be paying for it if the OC did pay for accommodation for you. It comes out of funds that you have paid into. And if they pay for your accommodation, they would have to pay for everyone in similar situation. So say you have 20 units. Accommodation for two people for two nights in Sydney about $200 per night, $400 per stay. Times twenty is $8,000. Plus cost of bathroom repair. Say repair was $500 per bathroom. You have just about doubled the cost of this repair. So to cover such increased costs you would have to raise the levies and so therefore you are paying, one way or another, for your accommodation, even if you never need it again.

            I am looking at getting a bathroom repair done. Only have the one so will be doing the sponge baths and showing up to friends places for dinner with not only a bottle of wine, but towel, soap and bathrobe!

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