Flat Chat Strata Forum Strata Committees Current Page

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  • #9581

      Our Executive Committee writes perjoritively, ‘naming and shaming’ owners who have suggested motions they find unpalatible for whatever reason, while outsiders have no way of knowing who voted which way. This seems wrong. Are we entitled to know who voted for what? Can we ask? It’s a small committee of four out of 36 Lots.

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    • #21896

        Costa – if you’re referring to General Meetings of the Owners Corporation, then whilst any Owner can certainly request that the Minutes show who voted for and against what Motions or even place a Motion on the Agenda requesting that to occur, the only sure way is to request a poll vote where at least the votes for and against would need to be shown in the form of Lot numbers and their units of entitlement.

        If you’re referring to Executive Committee Meetings, then whilst any Owner could place a Motion on the Agenda requesting that to occur, the best way for interested Owners to know who voted for and who against is for them to attend the Meetings.

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      Flat Chat Strata Forum Strata Committees Current Page