Laundry policy won’t wash

QUESTION: My unit block has a policy of not allowing laundry on the communal line overnight. Recently two jumpers left overnight by a tenant were bagged with a note saying, “Next time these will be put in the garbage tin”.

It seems ridiculous to not allow the odd item to spend the night outdoors if circumstances mean there is no alternative. Can they do this? – MC, via Forum.

ANSWER: Is it a “policy” or a by-law?.  If it’s only the former, the laundry monitors can take a running jump. If it’s a by-law, all they can do is issue a warning then have a meeting and issue a Notice To Comply.

Taking someone’s property and putting it in a bin is an act of theft and vandalism. The tenant should hang up a note saying “keep your grubby hands off my clean washing.”

Forum regulars have hopped in on this one.  Mr Strata asks “what’s the difference leaving washing out overnight? It is not causing any harm to anyone other than the tenant as it is likely to be damp again in the morning.”

And Struggler asks: “Who’s going to see it in the middle of the night?”  More on this on the Forum HERE.


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