Your chance to ask or answer questions about strata – or just read about other people’s issues.

Welcome to the Flat Chat Forum where your questions can be answered by me (JimmyT), one of our Stratagurus, industry experts or other readers who’ve had similar issues. Anyone can read all the material but you have to register (just once) and log in (each session) to ask or answer questions. NB: When you register, please do not use your real name or email address as your screen name. Identifying yourself also identifies anyone you are complaining about and that could lead to legal problems. 

Ready to post a question? Choose the sub-forum closest to your area of interest from the list below, click on its title then click on the words “Create New Topic” near the top of the window. Just want to read and respond?  You’ll find our latest posts on the right, below our sponsors’ ads.

Forum posts are displayed with the original question at the top then the responses in chronological order with the most recent response at the end. That means to follow the entire thread to the conclusion of a particulalrly long discussion you may even have to click on to a later page.

One last thing – please don’t double-dip. By that we mean asking the same question or continuing the same discussion in a new thread. If you haven’t received a reply to your post, just click on “reply” and give our readers a nudge. If you start a new topic with the same question, both will probably be deleted.

Flat Chat Strata Forum

Flat Chat Strata Forum