QUESTION: We have been unable to contact our strata manager over the last few weeks and are growing increasingly concerned.
We have had numerous periods of time like this over the last 12 months although the one-man operator has resurfaced each time.
However, service now has declined to the point where we feel this company is unable to manage our affairs and we want to terminate his services and appoint a new manager.
Frustratingly, we need to call an General Meeting to do that but the current manager has the strata roll.
Can we call a meeting if we are unable to advise all owners? We know we can contact about 70% of them.
Meanwhile, how do we manage our affairs in his absence? Bills are not being paid and nothing’s being done. Our locksmith won’t issue additional security keys without the strata seal. And we assume access to bank accounts is a similar issue.
And what if the manager has just disappeared? Does this become a police issue? -Indigo, via Forum.
ANSWER: The simplest way to fix this is to find a strata manager who is prepared to take over and let them do the legwork for you (perhaps on a consultancy basis, initially).
Apart from anything else, this is a very good test of whether the new company is both a willing and able substitute for the previous incumbent.
I’m assuming this invisible man is not a member if the Institute of Strata Title Management – if they were, the ISTM would help, I’m sure.
But this should serve as a warning to any Owners Corporation, in strata, the cheapest option is usually a false economy.
If you think a one-person strata management company is the way to go – and there are still some around who do an OK job – what’s your back-up in the case of accident, injury or a midnight flit?
Finally, as for calling the police, if you seriously suspect fraud or foul play, then yes, do so. But there’s no such thing as Strata Cops … yet.
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