The discussion on whether or not you can pass a by-law to ban short-stay or holiday lets trundles on.
It seems that you can but if a determined holiday letter puts up a compelling argument and get the right (or wrong) NCAT member, it could be overturned.
That’s all HERE – and there’s a lot of reading so settle down with a cup of tea (or perhaps something stronger).
Meanwhile, we have a bit of catching up to do. Here are links to the latest head-scratchers from the Flat Chat Faithful.
In an EC election where there are, say, seven vacancies, can you vote for one person seven times? That’s HERE.
Do the new strata laws (due on November 30) mean we have to renew our strata manager agreement? That’s HERE.
What can you do about items left on common property without permission? That’s HERE.
What can you do when an owner replaces her old air-con unit on the roof with a new one on her balcony that disturbs neighbours. That’s HERE.
Some words of praise for NCAT. Yes, really! That’s HERE.
Do we need to complete a tax return for our strata plan? That’s HERE.
Do owners in a two-lot strata scheme have to have joint insurance? That’s HERE.