Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page

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  • #63647
      Our 30 year old village of 160-plus units includes about 60 bedsits that share 3 community washing machines. Somewhere in the past the council decided to charge to use the washing machines without a bylaw. I believe the macines are classed as Personal Property of the council and costs are already included in our sinking or 10 year plan acoount. The council decided to outsource the laundry and increase the washing cost to cover the contractors fees believing it was no longer their responsibility and as they said it cost the council nothing.
      I believe they did not have the right to do this as it was much cheaper to own and maintain the machines and it is unfair to charge the residents when they have to have these machines as in the Health Act. Our Unit Entitlements should have been amended to reflect the changes.
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    • #63897

        I’m not encouraging this but I’ve heard stories of some people looking up the washer dryer Service Panel brand and model numbers and ordering keys for them.


          When buying into strata you must be notified of any additional costs involved in the ownership which is covered in the strata act Notifiable Variations Section 3 (1) WA

          A buyer must be notified of any additional costs before purchase’

          Any added costs above the U/E proportion must be disclosed to the buyer.

          The added cost of using the compulsory washing machines must be told to buyer.

          With no bylaw stating the added cost it leaves it open for the strata council to require cost to use other assets ie the gym, the games room, the library, the pool, the shopping bus and even the lawn bowls.

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        Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page