Flat Chat Strata Forum Common Property Current Page


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  • #77458

      We are four individual townhouses in a complex. We share a long common driveway with a gate (for car entry) and a pedestrian gate. The pedestrian gate is our emergency exit however it requires a key to exit. Similarly, it requires a key to enter. My question is: are we compliant because we need a key to exit in case of an emergency? Most complexes would have a button to push to get out.

      My second question is: is it reasonable to leave the gate open for deliveries (especially during Black Friday sales)? The gates are always closed (locked) at night, so just during the day it may be left open.

      This is because while we can buzz a postie to come through, the postie gets stuck within the complex and can’t get out because the gate swings shut, and the postie has no key. I’d be interested in thoughts on whether it’s reasonable to leave the gate open during the day for these scenarios?

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    • Author
    • #77482

        Is it on your plan as an emergency exit gate, as described under fire safety regulations? If so, it must be able to be opened from the inside without needing a key?

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

          Generally a gate outside of a building would not be considered as a fire exit. Therefore there are no regulations thst cover its function.

          I ask though, what’s the purpose of a gate if it’s locked? Seems somewhat redundant.

          I’d guess that someone in the past got spooked by some incident and the gate was locked. Try talking to the other owners and ask if the gate can be left unlocked.


            I am in Victoria.

            I am interested in this as there has been a locked gate to my Lot since at least the 1960s and certainly when I bought the place in 1980.
            The locked gate is on common land.

            There is only my lot past that gate ,

            The walkway from the gate leads to the only entrance of my Lot.

            Past my gate and the walkway leads to the balustrade/railing and a fall of 3 floors.

            Visitors ring the bell on the gate to get admission to the area/my door.

            Is it unreasonable to be asked to leave the gate unlocked because it is on a common walkway?  Is this going to have to be a dispute at VCAT?

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