When tenants can’t take it any more

A few weeks ago I wrote about the options available to owners to take action when things go wrong in their strata scheme.

When it comes to tenants, there is a long-standing myth in strata that they can’t raise complaints – only their landlord can. In fact, tenants have more, not fewer options.

If you have a noisy neighbour, for example, you can ask the Executive Committee or strata manager to issue a Notice to Comply.

Alternatively, you can seek an order at the CTTT which means applying for mediation at Fair Trading – this is compulsory – then, if that fails, seeking an adjudication under section 138 of the strata Act.

If there is a problem with common property – like a broken security gate, for instance – and the Owners Corp won’t listen, you can, once again, apply directly for an adjudication at the CTTT.

However, you have the additional option – since common property is part of what you have rented – to apply through the Residential Tenancy Act to have the landlord compelled to take action against the Owners Corporation.

For more information go to Tenants Union website and look at Factsheet 13 or read this story on the Flat Chat Forum where there are links to all the relevant forms.

Different states have different relationships between tenants and strata landlords.  The easiest place to start for tenancy advice is to log in HERE and it will take you to a page listing the tenants’ advisory service for your state.

For links to the different strata legislations, state by state (and territory), go HERE.  Finally, you can ask your questions about renting in strata HERE


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