Doing the right thing

QUESTION: I’m buying my first investment property and I would like to be a good landlord. Can you suggest books or websites that advise landlords of their rights and responsibilities.…

Walls come down

Everybody wants to renovate eventually, but when someone on the ground floor of an apartment block starts knocking out walls, they shouldn’t be surprised if more than the ceiling comes…

Physical jerks

It may seem like common sense and even an act of kindness, but when you start putting things where they’re not wanted in your building, you could be asking for…

Wee problem

QUESTION: I’m currently settling into my new apartment but while I’m in bed at night I can hear my upstairs neighbour using and flushing her toilet. I’ve even been woken…

Renters: Too good

QUESTION: My problem isn’t that my flatmate is bad … she’s too good. She went through a tough time recently but she was helped by  a church group and now…

No control

Many strata owners complain that their neighbours have too much control over their lives … then you get someone who feels there’s way too little. QUESTION: My owners corporation is…

Falling down on safety

Are there really 8000 unstable balconies in Australia?  Could there be even more? After a wooden balcony packed with young people gave way during a party at a house in…

RENTERS – Insurance

Just because you rent your home doesn’t mean you don’t own nice things that are valuable and difficult to replace.  But what happens when something goes wrong? QUESTION: Please settle…