Renters: Paint job
QUESTION: A year or so ago I did some work on my rented apartment – including painting, installing shelves and some basic maintenance – in lieu of a few weeks…
QUESTION: A year or so ago I did some work on my rented apartment – including painting, installing shelves and some basic maintenance – in lieu of a few weeks…
Pressure selling, the blight of the apartment boom a decade ago, is back with us, it seems. The question is, are we going to make the same mistakes all over…
QUESTION: The owners in our building have just cut the concierge services so they can reduce their levies, meaning that not only do we no longer have 24-hour security, we…
QUESTION: The Executive Committee at our complex has received an application from a resident to install a doggy door on to their balcony. Our building manager has told us we…
QUESTION: I’m leaving my apartment to move somewhere closer to work, I’ve given my notice and everything is fine. The problem is, with the cost of moving house, buying a…
QUESTION: A slim majority on our executive committee want to introduce a new by-law to prevent owners making any internal structural renovations to their units because recent work done was…
QUESTION: One of our neighbours has young children who play noisily in the common areas on a regular basis. I don’t mind kids playing in the common areas, but these…
Noise, nuisance and in-your-face “couldn’t give a stuff” attitude. Sure, there are some tenants like that but what happens when an owner is the problem and tenants are the victims?…
QUESTION: We have been on a series of one-year fixed-term leases with our current landlord which has been fine but now we are seriously thinking of buying our own apartment.…
The executive committees and chairmen of strata blocks get a hard time – usually unfairly since they can’t please everyone and are giving up their time for free. But every…
It’s a bit of a tenants’ special this week, given that we’re launching our dedicated tenants column. And it’s not before time. Tenants generally get a bad press (not on…
The first Renters Rant and we have the most fundamental question of all: how do you become one? To be specific, how do you stand out from the crowd –…