Poll: Strata law changes that you like most


Can you choose five of the ten selected strata law changes?

There’s a lot of changes proposed in the NSW strata schemes amendment Bill, and they are broad and deep.

Some people say they go too far, while others claim they don’t go far enough, which means they are probably just about right.

But what do you think? We have cherry-picked some of the more controversial of the proposals and we want you to tell us which five you like the sound of most.

Readers in Victoria and Queensland should feel free to pitch in too.  The various states’ policy wonks watch each other carefully – some would say use each other as guinea pigs – to see what policies might work in strata in their part of the world.

So click on the five proposals you’ll be happiest to see come to fruition. You never know, the politicians who read Flat Chat –  and many do – might just be influenced by this highly unscientific poll of people who know strata better than anyone: those of us who live in it.

Pick up to five answers, click on the button to lodge your input, and you will see the current most and least liked proposals.

If you’re not sure, you can read a detailed summary of the proposals in the Fair Trading Minister’s Second Reading speech HERE.

And if there’s something in the proposals that you think should have been in the poll, you can add your thoughts HERE.

What do you like most about the proposed changes to NSW strata laws?

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  • Creator
  • #77209

      Choose the five strata law changes that appeal to you most – and see what everyone else is thinking.

      [See the full post at: Poll: Strata law changes that you like most]

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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