Roundup: Do a flatting friend a favour


We all know someone who lives in strata and who is wrestling with some issue or another. And the chances are that, like the good friend that you are, you have suggested they have a look at the Flat Chat website.

And they probably say “Yeah, I will” but think “how can a website help me with this incredibly complex and apparently intractable problem with my strata committee … chairperson … strata manager … neighbour … building manager … tenant … landlord … or any combination of the above?”

The answer is, thanks to all of you Flat Chat readers, just about every conceivable question has been asked and answered on this website at some point in the last decade or so.

So why not copy the link to a friend … it could change their lives (or, at least, let them know they are not alone).

Enough of the spruiking.  We’re not desperate for new readers – numbers are growing steadily.  We just thought it might be nice to spread the love.

Meanwhile, another batch of occasionally weird and often not particularly wonderful issues has lobbed into the forum. And you never know – you might be the one person who knows the answer.

  • Can an owner of four out of five units give himself exclusive use privileges over common property areas like yards and parking spots?  That’s HERE.
  • What can a landlord do about unpaid rent when a tenant dies?  That’s HERE.
  • Can you change your vote between a general meeting being held and the minutes being issued?  That’s HERE.
  • Is it reasonable for a committee to delay essential repairs? That’s HERE.
  • Is it OK for the committee and strata manager to decide stuff in informal chats rather than proper committee meetings?  That’s HERE.
  • What can you do about tenants who sub-let their garage for a mate to live in? That’s HERE.
  • There are of course more questions and answers and new ones every day if the Flat Chat Forum.


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