Sapphire: Shattered dreams or a bullet dodged?
Work has halted on the near-complete Sapphire development, leaving initial investors frustrated and angry as they decide whether their shattered dreams are really a bullet that they've dodged.
Work has halted on the near-complete Sapphire development, leaving initial investors frustrated and angry as they decide whether their shattered dreams are really a bullet that they've dodged.
There was a survey of 500 apartment blocks conducted earlier this year by NSW Building Commissioner David Chandler’s team. It found that more than one-third of new buildings had serious…
This week on the podcast we look GOMO, specifically grief over missing out on your dream home. It’s the other side of FOMO, where fear of missing out has you…
As our various governments, state and federal, lure us with grants and tax breaks into buying new and off-the-plan units, they really need to put more safeguards in place to…
In this week’s Flat Chat Wrap podcast we encounter the best and worst in apartment living, from negative equity in off-the plan purchases, to multiple tenants causing parking chaos in…
Allegtions of “shape-shifting’ have raised their ugly face again, with a tale of off-the-plan owners not getting what they thought they had paid for when they finally moved into their new…
Privacy, consumer protections and how to engineer radical change in your apartment block are the main topics for discussion in this week’s Flat Chat Wrap podcast. A heated discussion in…
Privacy, consumer protections and how to engineer radical change in your apartment block are the main topics for discussion in this week’s Flat Chat Wrap podcast. A heated discussion in…
It’s not often in journalism that you can look at a change in state law and say “I had a hand in that.” But the announcement of new protections for…
With mortgage interest levels at an all-time low and apartment prices yet to reach the heights of a few years ago, there may never be a better time to take…
The advice from Owners Corporation Network spokesman Stephen Goddard could not have been more blunt: Don’t buy apartments off the plan. His actual words in an opinion piece in the…
Apartment owners trying to sell out of the now notorious Opal Tower block are being offered knock-down prices for their apartments, according to newspaper and online news reports. And neighbouring…