Whilst the insurance companies you mention are well known in car z house insurance, they are by no means big in strata insurance. I know GIO only deals in very small complexes.
You also need to consider how workers insurance and public liability insurances will be effected. These sorts of insurances are quite expensive compared to building insurance.
And you may face increases in premiums if a claim is made against common property and another owner does not have insurance.
Kaindub – when you say that “GIO only deals in very small complexes”, are you referring to strata building insurance, and not owners’ contents insurance? I’m fairly sure that one member of our committee contacted GIO and was told that they didn’t do strata building insurance at all. Is this incorrect?
As I tried to say at the outset, our existing strata insurance comprises a suite of ten policies. I’ve listed these policies below, minus the dollar values. If this was to work, we’d need to find an insurer who could offer all these policies, minus the building insurance element. We’d also need to find an insurer who would insure each building on an individual basis.
I’m sure that a range of reasons could be given as to why there might be problems with this approach, but we won’t know whether these are genuine problems in practice without finding insurers who offer the policies we need, get prices and read their PDS.
So my questions remain as they were in my OP:
(i) Is the ACT unique in allowing this?
(ii) Does anyone know how to get it to work? Which insurance companies will insure the buildings of an individual unit in a B-class units plan?
There must have been a reason why the ACT Government made this change to the legislation.
Policy 1 – Insured Property
Common Area Contents:
Loss of Rent & Temporary Accommodation:
Policy 2 – Liability to Others
Policy 3 – Voluntary Workers
Policy 4 – Workers Compensation
Policy 5 – Fidelity Guarantee
Policy 6 – Office Bearers’ Legal Liability
Policy 7 – Machinery Breakdown
Policy 8 – Catastrophe Insurance
Extended Cover – Loss of Rent & Temporary Accommodation:
Escalation in Cost of Temporary Accommodation:
Cost of Removal, Storage and Evacuation:
Policy 9 – Government Audit Costs and Legal Expenses
Government Audit Costs:
Appeal expenses – common property health & safety breaches:
Legal Defence Expenses:
Policy 10 – Lot owners’ fixtures and improvements (per lot)