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  • #53626

      My OC manager for an apartment in VIC has recently tried to charge extremely high administration fees for doing their job.
      One fee was to issue a Notice of Maintenance to me which is a whole other story. They charged a $110 administration fee to issue the notice.
      I have asked to order 2 more entry door fobs and they are trying to charge a $60 administration for for supplying the two fobs.
      I thought that OC Managers could only charge fees for carrying out their duties that are levied in a general manner?
      What if anything should they be charging as administration fees?

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    • Author
    • #53635

        These are what we call Schedule B fees in NSW annd they are dependent on what it says in your  strata scheme’s contract with the manager.  As afar as I knw, there is no limit on what managers can charge, provided such charges and amounts are agreed in the management contract.

        As an owner, you are entitled to view the management contract, so take a look.

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

          It’s a very common practice and mostly a fair one.    Some OCs choose to use a security firm to provide fobs.  Some can do it themselves.  Many choose to use their SM.

          Either way, to provide extra or replacement (due lost or damaged) fobs/remotes/common keys to individual lot owners, a user pays system is fair.   It’s not really something the OC itself is benefiting from or requesting.    If you are not happy with the OC’s arrangement with the SM, or the fees that they charge, you could always suggest that the OC use another method.



            If you are not happy with the OC’s arrangement with the SM, or the fees that they charge, you could always suggest that the OC use another method.

            Quite. Talk to your local key-cutting operator – the larger ones often can duplicate fobs cheaply.

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