Strata secretary’s car torched – dramatic video


A video has emerged of two thugs approaching the car belonging to the secretary of a strata scheme in Fairfield, Sydney, before one of them walks away and the car erupts in flames.

The attacker who apparently lit the blaze can then be seen running from the scene with a bottle in his hand.

A Flatchat reader and regular correspondent posted the video to the Flat Chat Forum, and described the incident in detail.

“Two shady characters walking through the car park of a strata plan, at 10:15pm, in the Fairfield LGA,” he writes.
“They move to the Secretary’s car. They proceed to pour some flammable liquid in the driver’s side and light it up. Other residents scramble to move their vehicles away from the burning car.”

The anonymous Flat Chart reader says it was clearly a targeted attack and most likely retribution for the secretary enforcing the building’s by-laws by issuing beach notices.

“They knew which car they wanted to torch,” he writes. “There was nothing random about it.”

Both people invilved in the incident were wearing hoods and surgical masks.

“Even though the perps were caught on the new CCTV system from multiple angles, using three different cameras, it is hard to identify them,” writes the Flat Chat reader.

2 Replies to “Strata secretary’s car torched – dramatic video”

  1. Jimmy-T says:

    I think this is related to the Building Commissioner’s reliability rating for developers. he is hoping that once the reliability of developers has been established by his department, then insurers will step in with 10-year warranties for the best of them. Have a look at this post and HERE on Linkdin

  2. Ross Anderson says:

    Ross Anderson from the UOAQ here.
    Just came out of a workshop where someone mentioned something about an initiative coming out of NSW about a 10-year warranty scheme for builders/developers. Very short on details…a nd I hadn’t heard anything about it.
    Have you heard anything, and if so can you point me to any materials about it please?
    Ross M: 0407648308

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