Forum: Would you own up to an unapproved reno?


Would you own up to an unapproved bathroom reno that had gone unnoticed?

There are a couple of questions about bathroom renovations in this week’s forum, mainly about whether it’s necessary to have permission, especially long after the work is done and dusted.

Having fairly recently conducted our own bathroom renos – and, as a result, having accidentally flooded part of a unit nine floors below us.  Yes, that was NINE floors but nowhere in between, I understand the need for caution and control.

Failed waterproofing is by far the most common defect in apartment buildings, partly because it’s so easy to get it wrong and then cover it up with tiles.

The effects – I can personally attest – can be far-reaching.  On a much more serious note, we had the recent case of the building in Melbourne that was found to be rotting from the inside out, evidently because waterproofing failures hadn’t been identified or had been ignored.

So when a Flatchatter asks whether they should seek retrospective permission for a reno done before there were specific by-laws requiring the strata committee’s OK, it does make you think.

Would you do the right thing and put your neck on a potential chopping block?  Or would you touch wood, cross your fingers and hope there are no reports of mysterious flooding somewhere far away in the block?

You can read the post and respond to it HERE.

Elsewhere on the Forum   

  • An old question is revived when (coincidentally) a Flatchatter asks why their owners corp should have any interest in their bathroom renos. That’s HERE.
  • Have your say on Victoria’s strata managers blasting the state government for abandoning apartment owners. That’s HERE.
  • Who’s responsible for the sliding glass doors installed by the previous owners to enclose my balcony? That’s HERE.
  • Major flaws and contradictions alleged in the laws on pre-meeting electronic voting. That’s HERE.
  • UPDATE: The debate over who’s responsible for moving an exclusive built-in rooftop spa rumbles on HERE.

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  • Creator
  • #68604

      There are a couple of questions about bathroom renovations in this week’s forum, mainly about whether it’s necessary to have permission, especially lo
      [See the full post at: Forum: Would you own up to an unapproved reno?]

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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