Forum: Who can and can’t stand for election?


Raised up hands, palms, fingers,

Who can be elected to your strata committee?  More to the point, who can’t?

The answer to the first question, in NSW at least, is just about anybody, including non-owners provided they are nominated by an owner who isn’t standing for election.

The answer to the second is more complicated. Building managers and real estate agents who operate in the block can’t be elected unless they are also owners.

When a couple are co-owners, neither of them can self-nominate unless they are owners of multiple lots – the non-candidate partner can nominate the other one though.

Also, co-owners of the same lot can’t both be on the committee, again unless they own other lots.  

And that’s before we even get into the correct procedure for voting.  Guess what, voting slips with candidates’ names printed on them are strictly forbidden! Wonder how many schemes ignore that rule.

It’s all very complicated, as you will see in the response to THIS question.

Elsewhere on the Forum

  • Is the ban on our balcony barbies reasonable or even legal? That’s HERE.
  • Committee has rejected replacing failing timber windows with aluminium double glazing.  That’s HERE.
  • Why can’t I see invoices on our strata portal? That’s HERE.
  • How do I act on behalf of the widow of an owner who did all the strata stuff?  That’s HERE.

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