James Valentine – Airbnb discussion document

The government releases its discussion document on short-term holiday letting.  JimmyT and James V discuss


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One Reply to “James Valentine – Airbnb discussion document”

  1. Ben says:

    ‘AIR BNB’

    … ‘Penny Wise $ Pound Foolish’ … ‘could’ apply

    In the USA ‘Bed-Bug’ infestations have risen by 5000%. … That’s FIVE THOUSAND per cent …

    Here in Oz the PEST Control Industry advise enquiries and/or treatments regarding bed-bugs have risen threefold during the past 2 years. At the very least.

    So please have a good think before you rent out your bedroom for the $85 a night or whatever to some total stranger who may or may not be bringing in some ‘extra’ guests with him/her to your beautiful home. ‘Guests’ who will stay…MULTIPLY quickly…suck your blood…and be EXTREMELY difficult + VERY EXPENSIVE to evict.

    I also strongly suggest a quick google on bed-bugs before you entertain an AirBnB guest + ‘their’ ‘other’ guests. Be warned however – the photos of bed-bug-BITES are HORRRIFYIIING.

    Friends think my OCD medication is NOT helping me at all. Particularly when I stopped a mutual friend at my front door and inspecting her entire luggage before I would allow her entry. I’m not entirely mean, I gave her a glass of Sav Blanc whilst carrying out my personal-border-control.

    And so very lucky I did. From San Diego to Perth to Sydney my friend had flown FIRST CLASS. Also travelling with my bestie I found 3 – YES THREE – very large bed-bugs. 2 girls and 1 boy. (I’ve become highly competent in all things bed-bugs as per the OCD). All 3 were ‘Adult’-stage-monsters ready to breed. All 3 were FULL of blood. Her blood. She had several tell-tale bite marks on her legs, thighs, and 5 on her beautiful face. She thought they were mossie-bites. Big ones.

    You’re gonna think I’m horrible but I think bed-bugs are horrible. I told her she’d have to go into Quarantine but at her sister’s place instead. She actually understood.

    I placed all 3 disgusting bed-bugs in a Specimen-jar (yes I know, the OCD, I have allsorts). Wrapped her luggage in cling-wrap. Gave her my friend the Pest Controller’s details, plus my GP for her bites as they were hugely infected.

    Recently some Australian cruise-ship enthusiasts returned covered in bed-bug-bites. This was on Current Affair so you can google the episode.

    Bed-bugs can travel/cover incredible distances and sometimes your entire house may have to be treated. This is BIG $$$$$$$$.

    For more info and/or help call your local pest Controller just Google (Pest Control)

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