You’d be forgiven for hoping that, at times of an increasingly out-of-control and potentially deadly virus, our state Health department would be keen to give us clear directions on what to do and what to avoid.
You’d also think that, given that we are all being told to stay home and even work there, if possible, some consideration for our mental health would be exercised.
However, given their recent chaotic pronouncements and their subsequent refusal to explain or correct them, you’d also be forgiven for assuming that NSW Health doesn’t understand or care about strata communities.
Today, the NSW government gazetted its latest updated rulings. One thing that hasn’t changed since last week is that, outside of the eight ‘hot spot” Local Government Areas in South-West Sydney, you can go ahead and have renovations in apartments provided:
- there are no more that two workers per residence
- the residents are in a different room from the workers at all times
- the workers wear masks on common property
Define residence
But what is a residence, and what is a “room”? According to some strata law experts, “place of residence” means the whole apartment building.
That’s based on the legislation that supports the Public Health Order which defines “place of residence” as including the premises “where a person lives and a garden, yard, passage, stairs, garage, outhouse or other area or thing attached to, or used in connection with, the premises.”
However, according to the spin doctors at NSW Health, regardless of what the law actually says, it means an individual apartment. And that means you can have as many renovations in your block as can be done by two tradies at a time.
Let’s backtrack a little. This particular problem first arose last week when the state government lifted its short-lived ban on building work.
That extended to freeing up renovations in houses which, because NSW Health declines to acknowledge any significant difference between houses, apartments and apartment blocks, extended to units.
To put this in some kind of context, protect residents’ mental and physical health, in Melbourne’s long lockdown last year, renovations in apartments were banned if there were still people living anywhere in the block.
Here in NSW, our Health department has decreed that renovations are OK in unit blocks, provided that there are no more than two workers per apartment and that the residents are never in the same rooms as the workers.
Two tradies rule
Also, a NSW Health Media person who called me about this said the two-tradies per residence rule applied to each apartment, not the whole block.
Thus, theoretically, you could have multiple apartments in a block being renovated at the same time. And, as long-term residents in gentrifiable buildings will attest, this is not as far-fetched a scenario as it may seem.
But, really, how much noise and disruption can two tradies really create? Well, it only takes one to drill up tiles in a bathroom.
FYI, such well-credentialled observers as Chris Duggan, president of SCA-NSW (the strata manager’s professional body) and high-profile strata lawyer Amanda Farmer say the law means one reno per building, regardless of what the Health Department’s media operatives think.
The Act also says work is permitted (given other restrictions) provided “no person, other than another worker, is in the same room as the worker when the worker is carrying out prescribed work.”
One Flatchatter wonders how this can be possible. Is a lobby or lift a “room” – they certainly seem to be, according to the definition in the Act. Does turning up for work and travelling through common property lobbies and in lifts count as work (as it does under WorkSafe and insurance provisions).
Her point is that it’s virtually impossible for workers attending to renovations in apartments to avoid contact with strata building employees and residents both in the unit concerned and in common property, so therefore it should not be permitted in strata at all, except in buildings where this can be controlled and guaranteed.
Is she splitting hairs? It’s a valid question, which I put to the Media unit at NSW Health.
A senior member of their Media staff responded: “We’ve provided you with a range of information on this topic, and will let those statements stand.”
That “range” includes one media release and a phone call. I asked which of their contradictory and confusing statements they’d prefer to “stand”. About 24 hours later I have still received no response.
What does this all mean?
My opinion, for what it’s worth, is that Chris Duggan and Amanda Farmer are right. You can legally restrict renovations to one per building and two workers per reno. But how a strata committee is going to do that without clear guidelines to that effect from government is a whole other question.
Who do you call when a second or third renovation starts in your block, or four workers rather than two turn up?
According to the Health Media person I spoke to you can leave the latter to the building manager or apply “common sense”.
But what if you don’t have a building manager – as most of the 80,000-plus apartment blocks in NSW don’t – or they say all of this is above their pay grade or your committee is never seen and rarely heard?
The problem with NSW Health is that they don’t seem to have anyone there who is applying real-world strata parameters to their edicts.
It’s this kind of lack of logic and inconsistency that makes all resident question the thinking behind Public Health Orders, and that makes compliance and common sense just a little bit less likely to prevail.
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Tagged: apartment, limits, NSW Health, reno, residence
You’d be forgiven for hoping that, at times of an increasingly out-of-control and potentially deadly virus, our state Health department would be keen
[See the full post at: Health says multi-unit renos in one block are okay]
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