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  • #11596
    miss muffet

      We are an elderly couple and new to strata living. We are owners in a relatively new complex where the fire evacuation alarm system has gone off erroneously nine (9) times in our first four months and it looks as though it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

      Not only is the interruption to our lives at all hours of the night and day of having to evacuate the building debilitating, but our major concern is the cost to our Strata funds of having the fire brigade visit us with such regularity and with no REAL cause…this is a huge worry, as there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. Our strata committee say they are doing all they can to rectify the situation, but to my way of thinking four and a half months should have had a result by now.

      Is this type of thing subject to a warranty claim on the builder/developer? Any suggestions?

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    • Author
    • #29277

        I’m not an expert but if you are in NSW the fire brigade has a false alarm reduction team. I’m sure they’ll guide you through the best course of action. 

        http://www.fire.nsw.gov.au then search ‘false alarms’ or look under ‘fire safety’ ‘workplace fire safety’ ‘automatic fire alarms’

        email alarms@fire.nsw.gov.au


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