Flat Chat Strata Forum The Professionals Current Page

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  • #8419

    As a unit owner I had been unhappy with the service provided by strata management agencies, and tried self-managing our block of units.  My neighbours and I are happy self-managing but we found there wasn’t any help available to support us.

    So I got together with an IT guru friend and we developed Our Body Corp over two years.

    Our Body Corp is an online tool which manages agendas, minutes, finances and records, securely stored in the cloud and accessible anywhere 24/7.  Added to this is a Facebook-style tool for owners to communicate with neighbours.  You still get professional support and what’s more – it’s cheap!

    I don’t want this to become a shameless plug for my new business, which launched today, but there’s so many of us self-managers out there (100s of 1000s) and we need help.


    Interested if any of your followers manage their own stratas.

    Great blog Jimmy, let’s go national to give consumers the info they need!

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  • #16612

      I’ve just signed-up for your free trial, and whilst it’s far too early to comment, my initial impressions are that some of your templates don’t comply with NSW Legislation. As one example, the AGM Agenda template doesn’t include the mandatory items (in NSW) and does include items such as “general business” which cannot be an item. Additionally, your suggested flat-rate price of $84/a/unit seems a little high; perhaps a sliding scale would be more attractive.

      The problem is that each State / Territory behaves autonomously with regard to Strata Management, but you’ve made a great effort with an initiative that I wish was available seven years ago when I took over the management (secretary/treasurer) of our Plan.

      Anyhow, I’ll have a play with your program and get back to you with some positive feedback.


      Hi Whale

      Love that you’ve checked us out and given feedback on OurBodyCorp.  The agenda templates are just a starting point for clients. When you sign up we help you tailor what you need to your individual state because, as you say, every State is different.

      And that’s why it’s $84 per unit per annum, because you’re not on your own.  We’re there to help – pretty cheap for what you get.

      Thanks for your encouragement, we’re refining our online tool everyday to meet the tremendous need we know is out there.


        I’m interested to see how this develops – Kate has taken on a large and very complicated task by trying to provide a simple service for self-managed strata plans (which, incredibly, constitute about 50 percent of the market in NSW).

        I would just like to point out a couple of things.  Our very first sponsor StrataManageIT offer a partial DIY service to registered clients (their ad is at the bottom of this page) and of course Strata Choice provide a comprehensive strata management service, especially for larger clients (and their ad is at the top).

        I hope this new approach works for those people who don’t have and maybe think they can’t afford a full service.  Not having any infrastructure behind you is a false economy, especially when new, savvy owners are looking to buy into a block and can’t find any records of meetings, decisions made or proper accounts.

        The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

        I’m not a usual blogger but I couldn’t let the moment pass.

        To Mr Whale, what do you mean “General Business” can’t be an item on the agenda of a strata meeting?  Good communication and open channels is good for owners and good for the block of units.


          Open communication is great, but let’s assume that you received the Agenda for your Plan’s AGM, that you looked through all the Agenda Items, saw nothing innocuous, and so decided not to attend and to perhaps give your Proxy to the Chair of the Meeting.

          OK? So the Meeting runs to plan and all those innocuous items are resolved, and then in “General Business” where nothing in particular is planned and therefore nothing specific is listed on the Agenda under this item (because it’s “general”), one of the Proprietors in attendance suggests some improvements to the Common Property – like say to the landscaping.

          All those Proprietors in attendance think that’s a great idea, and among other improvements they, and the Chair with your Proxy, resolve to make those landscaping improvements including the removal of the shade tree that’s right over your Unit’s courtyard, and in order to pay for it all they go back to the proposed Budget and resolve to amend it and the proposed Levy Contributions to account for those additional costs.

          Then you get the Minutes, don’t agree with what’s been resolved in General Business, and wish you’d have attended in order to put your point-of-view. But then you didn’t know that item was going to be discussed did you?

          So that’s why General Meetings shouldn’t include an Agenda Item for General Business; although you’re right that “good communication and open channels” is quite acceptable – over a cuppa once the Meeting’s concluded!  


            I reckon if you have the item “General Business” on an agenda – and I’m not sure you should – it should carry a a clear reminder that nothing discussed under general business can be put to a vote or lead to a decision of the general meeting. Items for determination must by law be proper agenda items.

            The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

              We’ve just signed up to Our Body Corp after a bad experience with a strata manager. We’re now self-managing our block of nine and are really happy with the online program. It’s DIY and cheaper but the Our Body Corp staff stay in touch with us to keep us on track. I wish them big success with this new business.


                Please tell me this isn’t a plant!

                The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

                  I take offence at that last comment.

                  OurBodyCorp circulated the link to your forum to all clients in our strata group and I checked it out, as I am new to this process and am wanting to keep informed. I live extremely remotely, a mere 1600km from my property in the city. This new approach is an ideal way for me to manage the property from so far away, and yet still keep in close touch with my neighbours – in fact we have only now, for the first time, started to really talk. Our former strata company wouldn’t even allow me access to AGMs through teleconference!


                    Rather than share the detail of my comments re. Our Body Corp with the masses who may read (and be bored by) them on this forum, I’ve contacted Kate directly.

                    In summary though, and after playing with the program, I’ve concluded that Our Body Corp is a great tool for those of us who appreciate the benefits of self-management but haven’t yet got into it.

                    It needs a few refinements, some if which Kate is in the process of adding-in, but in general terms I only wish that it was around five (5) years ago when I took the leap-of-faith and had to cobble together my own system. 


                      @DesertDweller said:
                      I take offence at that last comment.

                      Why are you taking offence?  If I’d thought it was a plant I would have binned the comment. And it wouldn’t have been the first time in the history of the Internet, or even this website,  that someone has supported a friend’s product with a glowing report.  I was suspicious since it came in very, very quickly (less than 24 hours) after the initial mention of the service.

                      I said ‘please tell me it’s not a plant’ and now you have. Relax.

                      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.

                      Crikey, this has caused a bit of a stir. 

                      First, many thanks Whale for your thoughtful advice and support, we take on all feedback in order to improve our service at Our Body Corp.  Thank you also for your kind endorsement, I really hope our diy strata service will help people.

                      Thank you also Desert Dweller.  For the record, on launch of my company I circulated the Flat-Chat link to my current clients to help them out with understanding common issues, but I never expected such a kind posting about Our Body Corp.

                      Keep the service going Jimmy T, the more we share, the more wins for the consumer.

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