• This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by .
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  • #11052

    We find our strata manager is biased and completely unprofessional in his communications with our property.  (Well maybe its just with us!)

    He especially gets upset when we point out basic errors that have been made by the committee – which if he had bothered to investigate would have discovered for himself.

    He recently mailed out a letter to all owners starting with

    “Following complaints raised by one owner” … blah blah blah.

    In a group of only 10 units (and we have questioned a couple of decisions made by the committee over the 5 years we have been here) everyone knows which unit made the complaint!  So now apparently we are the ones who have caused a delay, made more work and increased costs!  Not the committee who couldn’t organize a chook raffle in a chicken shop.

    Is this the way a strata manager is supposed to behave?

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  • #26880

    I don’t think there’s a “professional” organisation of Strata Managers (eg like the Legal Practice Board or similar for lawyers) that you could complain to (possibly because the word “professional” is rarely seen in company with the words “strata manager”….?).

    But surely your Strata Manager has a boss, if they are just one Manager in an agency? I’d start by calling the office and seeing if there is anyone “higher up”, and repeating what you have said here. It does seem unprofessional.

    Otherwise, hold your head high, and simply tell anyone who cares to listen that you are simply concerned that things are done correctly, otherwise the cost consequences could be immense. Bringing up $$$ often makes people sit up and take notice.

    Also, are you on the Committee? Can you get on the Committee? Surely someone with your knowledge should be there, not just barracking from the sidelines.


    Thanks Tess

    I think we should complain to his Manager.

    I will be going on the committee again this year after a break of a few years, (despite the dictator chairman!) which is why I resigned in the first place, otherwise we don’t find out what’s going on around us until its too late.  Or nothing gets done at all


      There is a professional body for strata managers in Victoria – the SCA – but they are more inclined to protect the interests of their members than their members’ clients.

      Consumer Affairs Victoria has a page on Owners Corporation Managers but they tend to be very loosely regulated.

      And regarding the “favouritism” you will find that most strata managers will give some sort of preference to the people they think are going to be deciding whether or not they get their contract renewed.  This is not corruption – it’s human nature.

      Get on the committee and be a force for positive change.  Just because there’s a brick wall, it doesn’t mean you have to bang your head off it.

      The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.
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