Forum: ‘Not our problem’ by-law has huge flaw


Close up of business woman hands breaking contract document sitting on a desk at the office

Here’s a neat trick by a strata committee determined that owners should not take responsibility for anything in the building – potentially saving themselves a lot of dough.

They have passed a by-law that absolves the owners collectively from any payments to repair all sorts of stuff around the block.

Balcony balustrades?  That’s your problem, mate.  Bathroom tiles? Don’t look at us.

The list is loosely – very loosely – based on the Fair Trading ‘Who’s responsible?” memorandum. But then they take it a whole lot further.

But in their excitement to absolve themselves (and the rest of the owners’ corporation) from any potential claims for repairs or replacement, they’ve taken it a bit too far.

There’s one apparently minor item that they have added into the list which might look like a fixture and fitting but is actually a vital part of fire safety.  And that could blow the whole by-law out of the water.

Have a guess what it is, then check HERE.

Elsewhere on the Forum

  • The committee said ‘you can’t do that’.  The lot owner went ahead and did it anyway and now he’s put his unit on the market.  Find out what happens next, HERE.
  • If non-residents aren’t allowed to use the pool, are they covered by insurance in the event of an accident?  That’s HERE.
  • Are basement garages required to be ventilated? Ours isn’t and the fumes are awful. That’s HERE.
  • No quotes, no discussion, no mention – but now we have a new insurer.  That’s HERE.

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