Forum: Owner falls foul of strict window by-law


There’s a mixture of Forum posts this week – new questions and answers and some ongoing discussions.

One fresh conundrum concerns an owner who’s fallen foul of by-laws related to childproof window locks.

Their tenant wasn’t at home and had the childproof lock key in their pocket when the window safety inspectors arrived. 

The inspectors declared the lock inoperable, and the owners have now been slugged with a bill to completely replace all the locks in the apartment.

Now, we should never underestimate the importance of child safety when it comes to windows but this flexing of strata management muscle seems a bit over the top.

The scheme’s by-law says that owners must pay for the maintenance of these essential additions to windows.  But hang on, that’s not what strata law says.

You can read all about it HERE.

Elsewhere on the Forum

Can we use by-laws to redefine what’s major and what’s minor when it comes to renovations? That’s HERE.

Our new fire safety company has hit us with a bill for thousands of dollars for things we never needed before.  Is this a rip-off? That’s HERE.

Barking dog update: The committee has put a motion on its agenda to issue a Notice To Comply.  Is that enough?  That’s HERE.

Strata secretary says I can’t add new motions to the agenda for a covid-postponed  AGM from earlier in the year. That’s HERE.

Things get a little personal and a bit heated in a quest to find out what a secretary is supposed to do.  That’s HERE.

Was the choice of a picture of a family sitting near a non-compliant balcony balustrade, on the cover of the NSW strata law review report, deliberate?  That’s HERE.

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