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  • #10829

      Years ago, our entire building passed a by-law banning smoking. 

      We have just had an old couple with minimal english move into the unit next to us. They smoke. Apparently the rental agent “didn’t know it was a no smoking building” – another example of useless agents, as there are signs everywhere saying the whole place is non-smoking. 

      We spoke to them when they first moved in, spoke to the rental agent who told their son and got them to translate. Early December.

      Mid December – smoke filled our apartment. Went and knocked on their door, they said oh their friend didn’t know it was no smoking. But they were there too – clearly they were smoking as well and/or didn’t care their friend was breaking the rules. 

      December 28 – I drove up and saw them with a bunch of friends on the balcony smoking. They pointed at my car clearly not realising I could see them and went inside. 

      This week – smoke again filled my apartment. Knocked on their door ”it’s raining and I’m sick so I can’t go outside to smoke”. 

      There have been other occassions apart from these where they are smoking. 

      Really, I’m over it. I live here BECAUSE it’s non smoking. Husband had severe allergies as a child. 

      Our SM is great and has already issued a breach notice right at the beginning, with another on the way. But the Tribunal will take ages to get them fined or whatever. I don’t want to have to deal with this for another 3 months.

      Any tips on how to get them to move out? I know it sounds mean but it’s been 2 months of them ignoring the by-laws, the agent shouldn’t have put them in, and I’m the one suffering for it. I just want them gone. So anyone who has ways to encourage this strongly would be appreciated! 

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